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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC #31


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<p>Hello everybody, here mine from last week.<br>

Iceberg of Labrador coast. D300, 80-200/2.8.<br>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3588/3768225849_edd552ef78_o.jpg" alt="" /><br>

I want to thank you guys for the comments last week, could not respond, I was 200 miles off shore and satellite internet was very slow, it was really hard to make the post.</p>

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<p>Hi all, great posts! Thanks for comments on last week's landscape. This week I got over to my sister's place. Somehow amoungst the myriad of things she dose she managed to can pickles and jam. D90, 16-85VR @55mm, 1/200, f/8, ISO 800, SB600. I would have prefered to shoot this at ISO 320, f/6.3 but I didn't adjust for the 16-85 (it didn't affect the flavor a bit:)</p><div>00U4VF-159563984.jpg.7a9436177fb23ad481478bbc6ba977d5.jpg</div>
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<p>Good morning all - it has been an unusual summer this year in Mass - it has been raining very often. One thing I like most about the rain is the opportunities it presents for picture shooting - I like the drops and dropsets on the leaves and many times on the backside of the leaves that give it a striking silver effect .. Would like to know the comments/suggestions/thoughts ..</p>

<p> </p><div>00U4VL-159564084.jpg.b18679415756a91e8abb5329a2cc5275.jpg</div>

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<p>Of course, once again, lot's of great photos! If I had toi choose my favorites, they would be:<br>

Anish Mankuthel - it's nice to see something so known, but in a different vay<br /> Per-Christian Nilssen - it's almost looking like a toy!<br /> Ton Mestrom - it has it's spirit.<br /> Shun Cheung - Great catch!<br /> Lil Judd - one day, I'm gonna try IR photography! Good job!<br /> Alejandro Held - very good capture, everything is in it's place<br /> Dieter Schaefer - you were lucky that gorilla had flower in it's mouth, that makes this photo!<br /> Gary McGhee - classic, but always nice to see.<br /> Monika Epsefass - great job!<br /> Benjamin Schaefer - love the golden color!<br /> jim interlicchio - at first, i thought you over processed it, but on the second, no, it's just fine.<br /> Tom Pernal - great catch!<br /> Tim Holte - so dramatic! My favorite favorite this week! :)<br /> Aguinaldo de Paula I love this one! Great composition!<br /> Carey Moulton - good shot, it looks really dynamic<br /> Bruce Ring - looks delicious.<br /> George Paris - I'm sucker for sunsets. :)<br /> Doug Santo - Ah, such a good capture!<br /> <br /> And my photo is from last Saturday. In my small town we just got lights on our stadium, so I thought it would look nice in dusk. Mosquitoes nearly drank all of my blood, but I managed to take few photos somehow. :) <br /> So here it is:</p>

<p> </p><div>00U4VS-159565584.jpg.279c5b4e3c230666608545360fcad7a5.jpg</div>

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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=127625">Sanford Gerald</a> <a href="../member-status-icons"><img title="Frequent poster" src="http://static.photo.net/v3graphics/member-status-icons/1roll.gif" alt="" title="Frequent poster" /> </a> , Jul 29, 2009; 09:08 a.m.</p>

<p>"BTW why doesn't Canon have a thread like this?"</p>

<p>They just started one for Thursdays last week:<br /> http://www.photo.net/no-words-forum/00U1ZN?unified_p=1<br>

<br /> Once again, a HUGE thank you to Jose for starting and keeping up our Nikon WedNEsDAy thread. I'm loving SO many shots today and can't wait to see the rest. Like David Love said, I too look forward to seeing what everyone has been shooting the past week. The image diversity is like world travel without leaving home and I appreciate everyone's contribution so very much. (It also is a great source of inspiration and learning for those of us who are new to this hobby! :)</p>

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<p>This loon did not fully cooperate with me. It wouldn't get very close to my dock, they will only do that when I don't have a camera with me. They know.<br>

Anyways the loon was drying itself and I got this shot, fully zoomed to 300mm, and with the assistance of some cropping.</p><div>00U4W4-159573784.jpg.57182280287611b97dae5d09ddd763c0.jpg</div>

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<p>It's WedNesDay morning and this forum posting is already saturated with GReAT pics!<br>

This is a collage of early stage garlic plants taken in my garden yesterday morning. The pic(s) were/was taken with my D300 and a 24-85 G zoom lens @ 85 mm.</p><div>00U4WK-159577584.jpg.c8469b1cc2ce3a1ad112d12ceda61297.jpg</div>

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<p>My apology for many mishaps.<br>

<br />This week I am in Japan and here is The Himeji Castle. Didn't have my usual software and did some re-sizing and a bit of re-touch with my mother's PC and the photo info has been somehwo tampered. Wish I had better photos, but continuing is important, I thought. Already many, many wonderful and inspiring photos here as usual.<br /><br />D90, 18-105 @70, 1/250s, f/8, ISO200.<br /><a href="http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/lh/photo/sQm12HH07apXglkjKYDwIg?authkey=Gv1sRgCLPbgqn1xrPOiQE&feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_kwoecUwgMh4/SnBRJUTXK2I/AAAAAAAAGkk/3C6Q0hWLnyE/s800/DSC_1543.JPG" alt="" /></a></p>

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<p>I should really stop eating so much garlic, it's a pity that I missed its nice flowering until now...a really nice shot, <strong>Ofey</strong> !!<br>

<strong>Jose</strong> - a nice little perspective you have captured there!<br>

<strong>Shun</strong> - so finally we've got you ;-)<br>

<strong>Dieter - </strong> doing monkey bussiness ;-) - kleiner Scherz - toller Schnappschuss, hopefully you understand german...<br>

<strong>Jose Angel -</strong> ¿Has estado una vez en la Feria de Sevilla?<br>

<strong>Aguinaldo -</strong> very very artistic indeed!<br>

<strong>Tim -</strong> dramatic + impressive shot! Did the plane touch down safely by the way...?<br>

<strong>Robert</strong> - not sure whom to blame on (contrast, colors, perspective), but I like your shot a lot.<br>

<strong>All unmentioned</strong> - there are some very good shots around, but I have to continue with work, so sorry for not writing some further well deserved comments.<br>

<strong>My shot</strong> - taken of course in Seville, with the S5 if I remember well, color manipulated as usual, lens was 18-55 VR plastic zoom at f=don't remember</p>


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<p>My first "real" try at this kind of shot. D300, 18-70 @ 18mm, f20, 2 sec., ISO 200, Manual exposure. Once it was within a mile, I got out of there!</p>

<p>Thank you for looking, great photos everyone!</p>


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<p>I'd find it helpful if contributors could indicate the post-processing done e.g. how much 'unsharp' applied, etc.<br>

I like the dragonfly pic especially - I have some similar but I always agonise as to what is the point at which the sharpening becomes 'overdone'.<br>

(I always shoot D200 raw, and process in Capture NX2)</p>


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<p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2575/3719313160_7cb59b7573_d.jpg" alt="" /><br>

Hi Everyone,<br>

First time posting a picture here... this was taken on the last night of my best friend's single life; he was married the next day. We stopped into a bar and these girls were just belting it out. They were good!</p>

<p>Nikon D60, 35mm/1.8 @ 1/40, ISO800, f1.8</p>

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<p>Howdy all,<br>

I have been out the past two weeks, and have missed the forum. Here's a shot from my travels, taken on the D300 with the all-purpose 18-200VR travel lens, minor crop, converted to BW in Photoshop Elements.</p><div>00U4a4-159615684.thumb.jpg.6965ff97e5f78cc6e04ab6205854c873.jpg</div>

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