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Beseler 45 light leak

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<p>I have just taken delivery of a beseler 45mxII (with dichro head),and with only one neg carrier which is 6x9 glass type. The amount of light shining through the edges of the glass in the carrier seem excessive to me. Is this a problem, and should there be some type of light baffle between the leaves of the carrier to block this light?</p>
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<p>It sounds like you may have a faulty negative carrier, but it's difficult to say for certain without pictures. There may be a lot of light leaking out if the halves do not close properly, or if someone has replaced the glass with glass that is too thick. Can you take a digital picture with the room lights out and the enlarger light on? It would really help. Mine does not leak much light from the sides at all, but without seeing how much light you are talking about it will be difficult to say what the problem might be...</p>

<p>- Randy</p>

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<p>I don't know if you have a User Manual if not here is a Link for one.<br /><a href="http://www.darkroompro.com/pdf/enlargers/beseler_45mx_brochure.pdf">http://www.darkroompro.com/pdf/enlargers/beseler_45mx_brochure.pdf</a><br>

and for parts go to this link and e-mail them Contact Us.<br>

<a href="http://www.khbphotografix.com/index.html">http://www.khbphotografix.com/index.html</a> </p>


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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Hi David,<br>

I know the 4x5 AN glass carrier well and it does leak light. The two glass plates are fairly thick and the light will bleed out the sides. I just tape a strip of the black plastic bags the paper is shipped in to the top plate of the negative stage on both sides. the resulting skirts preventing the light from bouncing off the walls and flaring the paper in the easel. It works for me and costs nothing.</p>

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