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Photography studio Background and Lights

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I am building my own studio at my house. My studio's space is about 15 width., 15 lenght, and 8.5 height. I know the space is not that high but I think I can work it out. My question is about the background and the lights. For the background, does anyone has another suggestions besides the seamless paper? I want something cheaper and durable. For the lights, what type of bulb can one of you recommend me? I have a yellow bulb of 1000 watts, but I do not think it works for the studio, so what kind of characteristics do I need for the right bulb?<br>

Thank you</p>

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<p>B&H had a whole catalog (<em>Professional Lighting SourceBook</em> ) on this topic that had all sorts of reference material in it. It's out of print, but you can download a pdf of it at (<a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?ci=0&shs=catalogs&sb=ps&pn=1&sq=desc&InitialSearch=yes&O=jsp%2FRootPage.jsp&A=search&Q=*&bhs=t&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=submit">link</a> )</p>
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