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Top-New Photos


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<p>How does PN determine which photos make Top-New Photos / Top-Rated Photos? I have posted photos that receive ratings equivalent to those selected for the honor of the top photo section, yet my photos don't make the cut. I am not in any way suggesting I deserve to be there and others not. I am an amateur. I feel my photography skills have much improved over the years, due in part to this site, but my photos are still a long way from being the quality of most other posters here. But when all things are equal an my photos don't appear I wonder what I am doing wrong. Thanks, DMc</p>
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<p>As best as I can tell, the only difference between 1) Top-New Photos and 2) Top-Rated Photos is the time sort and the types of ratings used for the default views. 1) uses "Past Week / All Ratings" (i.e. both direct and anonymous ratings) and 2) uses "Past 3 Days / Recent Ratings" (i.e. only ratings from the anonymous "Rate Photos" queue).</p>

<p>And as far as I know, both pages still use the date the photo was uploaded to your gallery, not the date you submitted it for ratings, as the qualifier for the time sorts. So if your photos are not making these "Top" pages it could be because a) you delayed submitting them for ratings after upload and missed the time frame qualifier, b) you don't have enough ratings (there are varying minimums depending on the time sort), or c) you don't have enough of the right type of ratings (direct vs. anonymous) to make the cut for the default views.</p>

<p>So unless a) applies, you aren't doing anything "wrong". You probably just don't have enough ratings to qualify.</p>

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<p>Thanks Michael, guess that explains a lot. I upload a complete series of photos and only request one or two critiques a day so the dates are too old. Also, the fact that most of my post go unnoticed, sometimes only getting one view let along ratings..... I have no chance. <br>

I make a point to rate / critique photos with every request I make. I wish others would do the same. I use it as a learning tool for my journey in this world of photography and getting a response sure does help the process.<br>

Thanks again, DMc</p>

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<p>"I make a point to rate / critique photos with every request I make."</p>

<p>So do I Deirdre, and it's frustrating how many people expect a lot out of this site and don't put much back into it. I have generally stopped providing critiques to those who don't critique much themselves. In any case, I checked out your work, found it to be personal and unique, and left you a comment.</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>Thanks Fred for your insightful comment. I also read your forum question and believe some of my photos fit in with your examples. When all things are equal and some photos are not appearing I too question if there is a PN programing problem or some "Office Politics" perhaps I am not aware of. I feel it very educational to browse the top photos but, as you pointed out, the list is shorter than it once was. Again, thanks Fred for your comments. When I get home tonight I will devote some time to your portfolio as well.</p>
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