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Wich one?....your opinion

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<p>I want to submit an image to a local contest. This one was shoted in my "dark age" (wich means the time I didn´t shot raw), and is one of my favorites for it.<br>

I first pp this image when I shoted it (about 1 year ago), coming with this<br>


<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2289/2122777013_186f81b8dd.jpg" alt="" width="333" height="500" /> <br>

But I have pp the original image again, geting this one:<br>


<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1407/869097250_0f64c5ec45_o.jpg" alt="" width="332" height="500" /><br>

As you can see they have different white balances. I know it´s a personal decision, but I just can´t decide wich one to choose, so could you help me deciding ?<br>

Thanks in advance!</p>

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<p>I like the top one. The red/orange area in the sky, on the bottom one, looks a little off ... and there's less detail in the foamy water in the tidal pool. So, it's the top one for me. Will you be printing it, or is it a web-based contest?</p>
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<p>I'm sorry, the bottom image was not optimized for web size, but it has as much detail as the top. Difference between both is only on the white balance......<br>

Thanks for your opinions, they are actually very helpful!</p>

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<p>Not that this would make much difference in influencing any one person's decision, but I studied color design as a former graphic artist and the top one has more impact and appeal due to the slight blue greenish hue in the clouds complimenting the dark rust color of the rocks giving a more harmonious but vibrant feel to the overall look.</p>

<p>The bottom is too reddish. I go with the top one as well.</p>

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<p>Top one, because I believe the subject is the pool of water. In the top one, the sky and the sea and the rock contribute to drawing our attention to the pool of water, but do not override it. In the bottom one, my attention is drawn more to the rocky outcrop in the foreground. That rock is not as interesting as the circular pool of water. So, I like the top one better. I believe the top one focuses the viewer's attention on the subject, the pool of water.</p>

<p>For what would improve the composition, I'd say, the top one is good enough. The other ideas mentioned in the follow up question would be a change in what the subject was, but using the same location. What's wrong with the first subject? Need to get closer? Since the subject is kind of presented as an ellipse with a horizontal axis on the long side, maybe a horizontal framing of the scene would have worked out better. Still, I favor top one between the two.</p>

<p>Maybe you need to go back there, stand on that rocky outcrop in the foreground, and shoot it again. Be careful. Don't fall in the drink. That looks like it would be bad. Use common sense. And, watch the framing. There are a bunch of horizontal elements cutting that vertical composition into sections all the way across.</p>

<p>Like, there's a horizontal band that's a sky section, another horizontal band that's the ocean section, another that's the rock and circular pool section, and one that's the rock foreground section. They're not really joined. The vertical composition is cut into horizontal bands. That would be less noticeable if the framing were horizontal. Just saying. Good photo. </p>

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<p>I like the second one. The sky has an ominous quality that adds a tension to the picture. The sky in the first picture is just there. It doesn't add anything to the picture. You might as well crop most of it out.</p>

<p>Of course it's all a matter of taste. That's the problem with contests. Different judges will pick different winners so winning is largely a matter of the luck of the draw. All that really matters is that you like your pictures.</p>

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