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General Business Card

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<p>The last few months, as I enter more and more in the business of photography (working in a magazine, doing freelance photoshoots, photographing for catalogues etc) I get asked for my business card cause I don't have a company and work as a freelance.<br>

So I decided to create one myself (I did it in the past, but finally didn't print it) and I would like your opinion.<br>

As I told before, I don't shoot anything specific, and right now I'm kind of "the man for every job", Studio, photojournalism, product photos, interior photography (and I'm searching for a photographer to practice with in weddings)<br>

The card is this one<br>

<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2645/3694147803_301bdec5e0_o.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="295" /></p>

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<p>It is very inexpensive to register your own domain name and get an e-mail box and simple web site that is tied to it. <br /><br />Potential customers will be much more likely to want to do business with someone that has an email address like <a href="mailto:nikos@christakisphoto.com">nikos@christakisphoto.com</a> (or .gr, or .eu, etc) and where you have even a very simple web site that doesn't take people right to Flickr (where they will be seeing advertisements for other businesses, etc).<br /><br />Business cards are essential, so it's good that you are doing that - but give some real thought to setting up your own online web/mail presence. It will add a lot of credibility. Good luck!</p>
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<p>I'd find a different design. I've seen the aperture blades before. You'd be better off with just your name than a piece of clip art.</p>

<p>I agree on the domain name. I'm not going to want to type in multiple directory levels just to get to your site.</p>


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<p>Thank you for all your answers... I will surely take in mind all your opinions.<br>

Right now it is difficult to get a web site, but it's high on my to-do list. As I said, I'm new to the business, and so I want a simple card to give my contact info, to people I co-operate and work with.<br>

Surely till, Christmas (the most) I will be more organized, and change the cards to something more original.</p>

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<p>You can do custom logo for like $69. I did a search recently on google. Also, wix.com, you can build a free flash website for free and copy the code into your .com site. Godaddy.com only charges $4++ per month to host a .com site. I know 'cause I use them :).<br>

BTW, since you do product photography, please advise me on how much to charge? I posted my question above your question in this forum.<br>


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i just ran across that logo, i knew i'd seen it before, i wonder how picasa might feel if they see their trademark on your card? It might well be that it's not trademarked, but it's the picasa logo so I suspect theyve put a lot of money into the research and if they dont own it, i'd be surprised. . .
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<p>Nick, I'm not sure where you are in the world, but there are lots of companies that will send you free cards, you pay the shipping, then they will then try to sell you other things but you can come away with free cards. How about name, location, one phone number and an email address, then let your book speak for you till you get a site up.<br>

Some of the best cards are the basic one.</p>

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