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Tamrac Messenger 4 for D200


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<p>I want to get a messenger style bag for my D200, 18-70, 70-300VR and SB-800. Possibly add in a 50mm 1.8 as well. Does anyone know if all of this would fit into the Tamrac Messenger 4? I like the bag and have seen in in person (but did not have my kit with me). Currently am carrying my stuff in a regular backpack, wrapped up in shirts, and while this works well while travelling (no one thinks I have a camera!) it is a pain when needing to access quickly. Hence my interest in a messenger type of bag.<br>



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<p>Will it fit? Arrange your stuff up on a table, check it with a tape measure, and compare your needs with the interior dimensions of the bag (any bag).</p>

<p>When you are wearing a backpack, you will find it nearly impossible to carry a bag on your shoulder at the same time. Furthermore, shoulder bags are also awkward on public transportation, or when climbing or descending. Instead of a shoulder bag, consider getting a dual-purpose backpack with separate sections for camera gear and travel essentials. Lowepro has several bags of this sort.</p>

<p>The gear you mention won't weigh very much, so you could use a shoulder bag for times in which the backpack can be left behind, but you will need a way to carry the bag itself when traveling, often by hand since they don't fold up very well. A shoulder bag weighing more than about 18 pounds when loaded gets really uncomfortable after a couple of hours.</p>

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<p>Thanks Edward. I would not be carrying a backpack at the sametime. My objective was to try and get bag that allows fast and easy access to the equipment. Would sling it across the body to make it easier to carry. I have looked at the combo backpacks (even have one) but they are bulky, dont carry enough regular stuff and are hard to access when on day trips.<br>

Your point about traveling is very valid and I must confess that I had not thought about that! Currently when flying I keep the equipment wrapped up in clothes in a semi hard trolley bag that goes into the cabin with me. Backpack carries other stuff or can be made flat and put into a suitcase if needed (its just a regular jansport).<br>



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