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Rolleiflex MX MVS/ 2.8C 2.8D Strap


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<p>My saga continues with my Rolleiflex 3.5 MX MVS 3.5 Xenar. See this thread for details.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.photo.net/medium-format-photography-forum/00TOZz">http://www.photo.net/medium-format-photography-forum/00TOZz</a></p>

<p>I need to get a neck strap for it. It has a different type of lugs then the current 2.8 GX etc.</p>

<p>What is the proper Rollei strap for my 1954 MX MVS 3.5 Xenar? What clips does it use?</p>

<p> I'd like to get a set of Rollei clips then use them to attach a modern strap.</p>

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I once had a Rolleiflex 3.5T with similar type strap connections. The strap was a simple leather strap with a small slit, and round hole at each end. The strap then simply tucked under the "guide" and slipped over the protruding lug for a firm fit. I now have a Rolleicord V with the same arrangement.<br>

It also has the 3.5 Xenar, which I have found to be a very fine lens.<br>

Glad you snagged the Rollei, and hope it works well for you!</p>


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<p>As Jack says, you need a slit strap. You can make one from an ordinary strap in ten minutes. Get a strap narrow enough to slip through the guide channel, make two holes about an inch apart at one end and use a sharp knife to form a slit joining the holes. It should end up something like this: o------o</p>

<p>The reason for the two holes is so that the slit doesn't expand under strain.</p>

<p>Repeat this at the other end of the strap. The "proper" way to make the holes is with a leather-worker's punch but any tool that will make a clean hole with a diameter of 1/8th of an inch or so is fine.</p>

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You are correct in stating the MX-EVS model shares the same neck strap as the one from the Rolleiflex 2.8 C & D cameras.<br>

The alternative choices ins the one method as suggested a leather strap with 2 slits and 2 holes at the end of the slits.</p>

<p>You could also use the Hasselblad wide 1 inch nylon web strap. I am using that method, as it is strong and its a wide strap that I favor.<br>


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<p>That is the same one that I have for my Rolleiflex 2.8D. It works on my Rolleiflex MX-EVS too. If oyu have the Hasselblad 1 inch wide web strap, the clip is similar in fashion to your photo. Just a tad shorter in the length of the clip. It still works on my MX-EVS, as well as on my 2.8D.</p>


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<p>I have a 2.8C and the strap is the same as in the picture. I was looking for a mroe sturdy replacement because the leather was getting old so I went to the local camera shop and trieda few Hasselblad ones. They fit but they are very hard to get off and they aren't perfect. I was scared I would never get it of in the shop! So I searched online and I came across Optech traps. They have a bunch of system connectors and the Super Pro "A" or "B" type (I think it was the B) seemed like a good fit. I never bought one in the end but I think I may in the future. I was thinking of getting one of those connectors and just getting some leather and making a strap myself.</p>
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