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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC #21


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<p>Good morning! And what a great morning it is! <br>

Great shot, Jose!<br>

Rene', your rose is gorgeous!<br>

Gary, breathtaking shot in it's simplicity!<br>

Very nice robin, Lil! I love the blossoms!<br>

Excellent portrait, Ton, as per your usual!<br>

Great surf shot Elliot!<br>

I know there are more excellent shots here today...each week gets better. <br>

There are robins building a nest in an arbor vitae outside of my garage. They express their displeasure with me every morning. This shot is with a D300, 80-400 mm VR, at f8, 1/320 sec, iso 200, 400 mm, handheld.<br>

Have a great day everyone!<br>


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<p >Peonies from the gardens at Chatham Manor (1768). The manor house is across the river from Fredericksburg, Virginia and was the Union army headquarters during several harsh attacks on the city. It is now a National Military Park. Photo taken on Saturday, mid-afternoon, overcast conditions, handheld. 1/250 @F5.6 </p><div>00TPcN-136271584.jpg.b8085fd86874ecda43939194059cce87.jpg</div>
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<p>You guys are all on top of your game. The images so far this week are really good. The only picture I took this week was yesterday when my son did a Beavis and Butthead impression. He has never seen the cartoon btw.</p><div>00TPcl-136277684.JPG.2c4f061c7fdcf304feec9aecd5d2cc52.JPG</div>
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straight out of the oven (camera), just resized it for the posting. My wife prepared this Pizza and she liked the crust and melted cheese so much, I had to take picture of this.<br>

Taken with Nikon D40, 35mm f1.8G, ISO800, Flash was set to Slow, 1/80<br>

I hope you all will like it.<br>

<img src="<table " /> <a href="http/picasaweb.google.com/raygosalia/May202009?feat=embedwebsite#5337859477784768434"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_v_Hx1NTKpoc/ShPi6fJQL7I/AAAAAAAAAC8/rvRI83Px6kg/s800/DSC_2188_1.JPG" alt="" width="800" height="532" /> </a></p>

<p>Thanks for looking,<br>


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<p>In many ways, Europe leads the US. Wi-fi ain't one of them. Getting connected in Europe has been much more limited than in the US but here I am today.</p>

<p>Great dog shot, Jose. And Rene, your flower looks fine on my puter. Neat gull shot, Per-Christian. Nice light, Bernard. Nice angle, Anish. Dick, you get more nice stuff from the 80-400 than anyone I have seen. Nice angle on your shot, Eric, but I was wondering which Tammy gave you that flare.</p>

<p>Instead of the usual landscape stuff, spent the day in the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, one of the best people watching places in the world. I am no People photog but this was too much fun to pass up.</p>

<p>Met this guy playing with his dog on one of the streets. Between his English and my poor Spanish, learned that he wanted a copy of the photo. Unfortunately I misplaced his email address while traveling. If anyone knows him, please let him or me know.</p>

<p>Shot with D300 and 18-200VR @82 mm, f/8 1/200<br>


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<p>Rene', my picture is the next under yours. But I'm the one to have to complain , because by mistake I post the wrong one, without any enhancements (contrast , etc). Don't matter, anyway everyone here konw that I'm a great photographer. HA HA... just joking !</p>
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<p>Another image of a bear from GSMNP. I was riding around and spotted this bear sleeping in the tree. He woke up and looked straight at me. I was able to take three images of him before he laid his head back down and went back to sleep. Thanks for looking...</p><div>00TPeI-136291584.jpg.a0e2e964e194804db4bc8998eec271da.jpg</div>
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<p>My contribution comes from when a friend of mine asked me to practice my hobby (photography) while he was doing his (fire poi). This is my favorite as it looks like a giant curly fry of fire.<br>

Taken on my D90 with 18-70 kit lens. 2 second exposure, f/7.1, iso 200, rear sync flash fired at 18mm</p><div>00TPeK-136291784.jpg.3b8e871aeeb87f508d466f54a9aaecf5.jpg</div>

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Nice to see so many lovely photographs already.Tho' I live 10 hrs ahead of Jose,I need to get back from work before I can post my pic,by which time all these beautiful posts await me.I'd like to thank Hector and Eric for their encouraging comments on my last weeks post.<br>

This weeks post was shot in available light and I like the colours.</p><div>00TPea-136297684.jpg.60c1e5616939fdd2e124a19144f3a107.jpg</div>

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<p>Excellent shots everyone, as usual! Dennis's and Eli's and Sjoerd's are faves so far!</p>

<p>OK, I had to go with a bit of an older shot this week, from a wedding a couple weeks back. My 50/1.4 AF-S should arrive tomorrow or Friday. I promise fresh work then, since the lens will be glued to the camera glued to my face!</p>


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<p>Just back from 4 days away in the mountains here in S.E. Australia.......<br>

Again Wednesday Pic reveals a fine cross section of Nikon photographers - Cheers to all.</p>

<p>This taken from the Great Alpine Road near Mount Hotham @ approx. 1,800 m above sea level</p><div>00TPed-136297784.jpg.44da9251752814a4667f1ea4c0bbe876.jpg</div>

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<p>Wow so many great photos already.<br>

Last Sunday our neighbors took a trip to Munster, IN to Carmelite shrine, they also invited my wife and I to come along.<br>

Carmelites built this system of chappels inside what looks like a mound made out of coral or sea sponge, brick, cement and inside is decorated with different stones some that glow in the dark.<br>

my contribution this week is from that place although no stones in this picture (I had a dillema as to which one to post) I liked the tight dark corridors leading from one room to another.</p>


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