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Best Fuji Acros Developer

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I've been using Arcos for about 6 months now and enjoy the feel of

it. i like the grain much more than the t-max films (other than tmax

3200 which i use religiously), and the tones are nice. a bit

contrasty. i've only used t-max rs deluted 1:4 to develop it; i'm

wondering if any of you have had any experience with it and would

recomend a different developer. i've been reading about Rodinal and

Xtol and was sorta wondering how those "old technology" developers

would work with this "new technology" film. what do you think?

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i've been on acros for about 10 months using whatever is lying around at the school. probably the best so far has been ID-11 1;1 for 11min. real easy to remember huh? whish i could say 11 degrees but it was at plain old room temp. it gave me the best negs i've ever had shooting at EI;100 as written on the box. keep in mind i've done BW for two years, not 20 like other guys round here. other developers i tried include D-76 1:1 and LC-29 various dilutions.
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Patrick, ACROS on pyro prints beautifully. Another thing if your negs are too contrasty try t-max RS developer at 1:9. You will find much better results, before I tried it with pyro I did some test with ACROS and t max RS at 1:9 at it was very, very nice. The highlights were not blown out as they usually are with the 1:4 dilution.
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Aha Patrick! Ok I think the best thing for you to do will be to check on the Large Format forum on the archives (darkroom developing). And you will find all the answers you could possibly think.

Basically yes, pyro stands for pyrogallol developer, which is a stanning devolper. Meaning your negatives will look yellow/green once you finish the process. The pyro has a great acutance and because of the stain it sort of "masks" the grain. Anyway this is a quick a dirty intro. Also check Ed Buffaloe's site (www. unblinkingeye.com) for great articles on pyro, as well as developing times. Good luck and I hope this helps a little.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello everyone. Here is my PMK-Pyro and Fuji Acros (120 and 35) process. EI is 50. Developement is in a s/s Nikor tank of 450ml size for either format. I use PVC pipe spacers to keep the 35mm material in the middle of the tank. Two thinner pieces keep the 120 reel from rattling about during agitation. Mix 5.0cc of A, 10cc of B and 450ml DI water. Allow to "age" for 8-10 hours (for increased staining of film). Developement time is 11 minutes, with 3min presoak. Agitation is at 15 second intervals. Enjoy, Bill
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