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Opinion on used tripod/head


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<p>My largest lens is a 70-200mm f/2.8 and what I would LIKE to get would be a Gitzo GT2531 and RRS BH-40 or, sure and Arca-Swiss.<br>

<br />Yes, I have a small light and cheap tripod and garbage ballhead and I know that they can be completely frustrating when they shimmy around and sag.<br>

<br />I primarily shoot handheld and you won't catch me hiking any trails or city streets with a tripod over my shoulder, so think max carry distance 100 yards from the house/car. If I'm out and about on foot I won't be carrying a tripod (unless its a specifically planned even) and I'll just have to suffer the loss of IQ by relying on higher ISO and IS to get the shot.<br>

<br />So a few still shots consisting of landscapes, but a new area I'd like to delve into would be shooting video. My question is should I get a fluid head for smooth pans and just work with it for still shots?<br />Now, again, I RARELY use a tripod for still shots, but think I'd tend to use one more for video to prevent a shaky picture.<br>

<br />I want to budget between $100-200 which I know is simply not enough for quality new equipment, so I'm searching for used. Please comment if you have any recommendations or familiarity on a few used pieces I have found to be available:<br>

<br />Bogen 3011 Tripod (now the 055XDB ~$150 new) "<em>just a few scratches, tiny, tiny dents on middle leg,"</em> with Bogen 3126 fluid head (now the 158LP ~$78 new) It is missing the pan handle. Opening bid $45.<br /><img src="http://i.ebayimg.com/11/!BS(rdY!!mk~$(KGrHgoH-DIEjlLlvEUjBKC0HPYy8Q~~_35.JPG" alt="" width="300" height="225" /><br />Gitzo Cremaillere 3 (circa 1984-1992) with a 'heavy duty' Gitzo ball head. <em>"Every thing is in great condition with some paint loss. Center column is geared and working perfectly. Ball head is in Great condition also.The weight is about 9.5lb when it is fold, it is about 32 inch with head when leg is fully extended, the tripod height is 65inch (5' 5") with center column extended 78inch(6' 6")"</em> Opening bid is $140.<br /><img src="http://i4.ebayimg.com/07/i/001/49/ca/b8cf_35.JPG" alt="" width="200" height="300" /><img src="http://i1.ebayimg.com/08/i/001/49/ca/b365_35.JPG" alt="" width="227" height="300" /><br />And one from pnets own classifieds: Bogen 3021 Tripod with 3130 fluid head for $195<br /><img src="http://static.photo.net/attachments/classifieds/896/896130-50701.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="1278" /></p>

<p>I would assume the 3021 with 3130 would be the favored of the bunch for the price? It has the thumb lever locks, a fluid head (would it be decent for SLR video pans?) The 1st posted is missing the lever which could be a nightmare, 50 bucks, and shipping to fix, and the Cremaillere 3 seems a great and sturdy studio tripod.<br>

<br />I would list my priorities as fluid pans for video, and sturdy for still shots with a 70-200. Weight and bulk not an issue because it will travel first class in the car trunk when it leaves the house.</p>

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<p>The 3011 and 3021 are both about the same size, and very sturdy. I don't much like video heads for still photography, because you must level the tripod itself, instead of just adjusting the head. If you're panning you have to do that anyway, but for single shots I think you'll find a 3 way or ball head much easier. You'd have to make that decision based on what you primarily are using it for.</p>

<p>Older 3011's do not have independent leg spread, so if you're shopping for a used one you must make very sure what vintage you're getting, and that the tripod illustrated is the actual one you're going to get.</p>

<p>The 3021 shown is an older style, with leg locks which, while they work all right, are a good deal less convenient than the newer ones, and not much quicker to use than the 3011's thumbscrews, which are a bit clunky but robust and foolproof. I have an old style 3221 like the 3021 shown, and although it is quite serviceable, the locks must be adjusted pretty tight to avoid slippage, so you can't just give them a flick, as you do the newer flip locks. You end up having to turn them almost the same as you would the thumbscrews. Most of the parts for these are no longer available, so if you break a lever or a casting, you would need to refit it with a newer type, or with a 3011 part. The one shown also has padding on it which is not original. If it's glued on, it could be a mess if you ever need to remove it.</p>

<p>Either model of Bogen would work well, but they're not exceptionally rare, so I'd make sure you're getting a good deal. If you kept the 3011 price down around 50 bucks, it would be a good deal even if you threw out the head. I think a 3021 or 3221 would be very good as well, but I don't think I'd pay that much for that particular example.</p>

<p>You might check KEH.com for other Bogen deals. They sometimes come up with good ones. I would not hesitate to get their "bargain" grade for a tripod. A month of tossing it in the car will turn a new one to that.</p>

<p> </p>

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