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<p>If you're using a film SLR now, could you buy a digital SLR that would allow you to use the same lenses for your film camera as your digital camera? I did that and I have been very happy not spending money on a bunch of new glass. </p>

<p>For example, my Nikon D200 works great with the same lenses I use for my Nikon F100.</p>

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<p>The best camera is any camera in the hand of a good photographer.<br>

Canon and Nikon are the most popular names, Sony makes nice cameras too now. The one you should pick is simply the one you feel comfortable with. Personally i never liked Canon, (which doesn't make it a bad camera, not at all) I just don't like the way it feels, I'm a Nikon user, and I would say, the Nikon D90 is very nice if you can afford it. Why not good to a local shop and try by yourself ? Good luck, and welcome aboard Photo.net.</p>

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<p>What film system are you useing now and how invested are you into it. That is, do you own one lens or a pretty good set. Flashes?</p>

<p>I would choose the one that allows you to continue to use what you already have invested. If useing your current equipments is not at all a concern for you and you are prepared to start over....then as stated above, either the Nikon or Canon system will do you well and both have proven systems used extensively by top pros the world over.</p>

<p>I started with Canon befor I knew any better or any different. I am still very happy with that choice, but because of that I feel like I have two left hands when I hold a Nikon. </p>

<p>I would do as stated above and go to a camera shop and try them out to see what fits you the best. What feels natural to you. Its really a clean slate for you because as we said, you simply can not go wrong either way. DO NOT get all caught up in the megapixel count and BS marketing specs. My first DSLR was the origanal Digital Rebel by Canon. Conpared to my 40D or 5D is was a complete dog of a camera....but two of the images I captured with it are still in my portfolio. :o) </p>

<p>Happy shopping, this is a fun time!</p>


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<p>There are many good cameras available. The two biggest sellers, Canon and Nikon, both make good cameras. One thing you should consider is that when you buy a DSLR you will be buying lenses for it and those lenses only fit that brand of camera. Some lenses only fit some of the models of a particular manufacturer. Once you have an investment in lenses changing brands becomes a bigger proposition. It's sort of like divorcing a spouse and marring someone new.... they both come with a family. So, my suggestion is to buy an entry model of a good brand and get one or two general purpose lenses and see how you like your set (and photography). If you want to be financially cautious, buy a used late model body and a large range zoom lens, like 18-200mm. Don't scrimp too much on the lens. It is as important, if not more important than, the camera body. If you have plenty of money to spend you can buy more lenses and bodies later on.</p>

<p>A good place to evaluate lenses is <a href="http://www.photozone.de">www.photozone.de</a></p>

<p>Good luck and happy shooting!</p>

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<p>I would love to own the Nikon D3 or D3x Canon 1DIII, so on but I don't have $5,000 or $6,000 available just for the body. Then I still need another $3,000 or $4,000 for a few good lens. Starting out in photography your tell this guy he needs about $10,000 to get started. That's bad advice. Nikon D700 nice camera for 3K, or D300 for $1600. Start out with a middle of the road camera. As you get better, make money, then buy the 6K camera. Just start out by buying good lens that can be carried over to the best quality camera body. But if you have 10 grand sitting around collecting dust, then spend it !</p>
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