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epson 4490 scans - blue hue


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<p>hi people,</p>

<p>i recently bought myself a scanner, and have now got myself photoshop and my first 15 rolls of film processed - yay!</p>

<p>however my scans are coming in with a weird blue hue to it. i thought at first it was the film - kodak - but then i got the same with the fuji i also experimented with.<br>

i've managed to get my first of the bunch looking realistic, however i think maybe something is wrong with my scanner settings - does anyone have any ideas please?<br>

here are the pics for you to check for yourself, cheers</p>


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<p>Billy, are you scanning a slide as a color negative, and reversing (inverting) it to make it positive? I looks just like the correction your scanner would do for a color neg with an orange base, only the image didn't have an orange base. Here's your image with adjustments. In PhotoShop, I simply used Image | Adjustments | Auto Levels and it came out as follows... BTW, the 4490 is a superb scanner for the money. All of my own Hasselblad images in my portfolio are with this scanner.</p><div>00TBVT-128781584.jpg.7c00613dd5e273aa4235a71ceae615b8.jpg</div>
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  • 3 weeks later...


<p>Thanks Michael & Starvy for replying, sorry it has taken so long to write back I fell off my quad!!</p>

<p>All is ok though.</p>

<p>I use photoshop to scan the negs in, I have the settings on...</p>

<p>mode: professional mode<br>

settings name: current setting<br>

document type: film<br>

film type: colour negative<br>

image type: 24 bit colour<br>

resolution: 300</p>

<p>the film i used was kodak 400 NC, not slide as far as I know, i thought it was colour negative?</p>



<p> </p>

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