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bower lenses for pentax


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<p>That looks suspiciously like another brand selling the Samyang/Polar/Vivitar 85/1.4 manual focus. There have been several threads on it in various boards lately, with no really high quality information, so please buy one and post a very complete review :)</p>

<p>Most people who used one seem happy with it.</p>

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<p>It is a manual K-mount lens costing a bit less then a SMC 85/1.8. You have to ask. Is a mass market low cost lens better then a time honored pentax classic. Could you handle the wait and find a 85/1.8 instead? Will you likely using this lens at f2 or at f1.4?</p>
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<p>The new 85 is also Pentax-A-capable while the 'classics' (as good as they are) are not. I've read some of the threads on other forums for these and as Andrew L. said others seem to like them well enough. I think you can add Rokinon to the list of aliases, <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160327967591">this is the same lens</a> , right?</p>
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<p>Obviously the seller put together a kit with a pouch, some cleaning stuff, lens cap leash and filters to add some value and make his listing more attractive. Those parts didn't come with the lens originally. There is nothing wrong with that. Unless you really hate Nikon.</p>
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<p>I believe a Jupiter-9 MC 85mm used at f/2.8 to f/8 has the best price/performance ratio among all the lenses covering 85mm range.<br>

It is manual & the digital bodies are not good at calculating the correct exposure consistently with it. Still, it is a very good performer if you invest some time...</p>

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<p>The 85mm FL is a very tele-specific, but not long tele, prime lens. I would say you might be better off, in terms of versatility, considering taking advantage of the still-available fine FA 50mm f/1.4 while you can still get one. Lets moore into the frame, but very good for portrait, and versatile enough for general moderate tele use, as well as low light.</p>
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