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No "serious" critiques on Flickr? Sez you.

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<p>I had to send her an e-mail to encourage her to leave that photo and entire "critique" thread intact. It's absolutely priceless. Y'all know how hard it is to crack through the daily web noise to be noticed outside of your own little sphere, and that Flickr thread has already been mentioned on two other sites. You can't buy that kind of publicity, and if you subscribe to the notion that there's no such thing as bad publicity, well...</p>
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<p>Another vote for, "Out of focus means you suck." I didn't see anything wrong with her tomato photo. Sure, this and that can always be improved, but I would be proud of the tomato photo. There seemed to be a lower level of technical aptitude in the discussions, though. I don't have an account over there, but while I've seen photos that were good, not everyone was as good about writing about them. </p>

<p>"Out of focus means you suck." Awesome. </p>

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<p>I'm still laughing so hard the tears are rolling down my cheeks - let's see in "e-speak" I guess I would say "ROTFLOL"(rolling on the floor laughing out loud). The funniest thing was how seriously those dudes were taking themselves; the sad thing was how bad the grammar and spelling were; the good thing is that I'm not part of flickr! Anyone want to introduce that group to the Nikon vs Canon or PC vs Mac wars? You could sell e-tickets to that one - especially for prime seats. : D Thanks to all for really lighting up my otherwise dull day!</p>
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