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DPP to Tiff conversion - quality loss


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<p>I've been noticing lately that there's a quality loss when I convert my CR2 files to 16-bit Tiffs (transfer to Photoshop) in DPP. Colorwise the two files are identical as far as I can tell, but there's a noticable loss in sharpness and definition in the Tiff file. I thought the conversion was supposed to be absolutely lossless.<br>

When converting Nikon NEF files to 16-bit Tiff (in Capture NX2) and opening them in CS3, they are absolutely identical - no quality loss.<br>

I could very well be without this quality loss. Have anybody any suggestions? Please don't reply about ACR, LR etc. I find the DPP conversion to be the highest quality. Too bad the quality ain't transferred to CS3.<br>


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<p>Go into DPP and see where the Noise Reduction is set too. This is something that doesn't show in the DPP viewer unless you go to the NR/Lens/ALO tab and click apply above Noise Reduction, but it does process. I believe a recent update turned NR up a bit, as well as giving you a stronger NR tool.</p>

<p>To set it back to 0, click tools (next to file, select the Tools Palette tab, the NR presets will be at the bottom.</p>


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<p>Dan Ferrel:</p>

<p>Thanks for that tip!</p>

<p>I just checked my version of DDP (3.6) and the Luminance Noise Reduction is set to "2" (on a scale of 0-20). The Chrominance Noise Reduction is set to "0".</p>

<p>I rarely make any image adjustment in DPP. I just use it as a RAW converter, so, I will have to check into that now to see how much difference it makes.</p>

<p>Cheers! Jay</p>

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