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Lightweight 5D lens


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<p>+1 for 24-105/4L. In my opinion, it's the ultimate travel lens for the 5D. Good zoom range, reasonable weight, great build quality and the IS seals it. When I travel with that setup I leave everything else at home - lenses, flash, tripod, etc.</p>
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<p>24-105. I don't think you can go wrong with this lens. I see people's point on the G10 route but I would always be thinking I could have got a way better shot with my 5D2.<br>

I'm really trying hard just to take this and a 50 on an upcoming vacation in Mexico. I might just have to take my 16-35 too........this in never gonna work!</p>

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<p>Chris, leave the 50 and 16-35 at home! Your life will never be the same after you've spent a whole trip taking photos with a great dSLR and never once thinking about changing lenses. :)</p>
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<p>If not G10 then Panasonic LX3 if you go the P&S route.</p>

<p>Prime options: just a fast 50? Or a fast 50 and a 100/2 maybe?</p>

<p>If zoom: a superzoom might be considered if you understand it's strengths and weaknesses.</p>

<p>That said, the 24-105 is of course a pretty good option.</p>

<p>If I were you and I wanted to go really lightweight but still bring my 5D I'd probably bring just a 50.</p>

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<p>What about the 28-135IS? Since you are talking about an occasional-use lens, do you really want to tie up $1000 in a 24-105? I haven't picked one up yet, but the time time I have to go on a trip I intend to pick up a used 28-135 and see how it does. If you look, you can find them for $250 or less.<br>

Anyone have experience with the 28-135 on a 5D?</p>

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<p>If you'd really want to bring only <strong>one</strong> lens I would definitely go for the 24–105mm as others have suggested.</p>

<p>Personally though I like experimenting with shallow DOF and that is where zooms are always lacking. You might want to throw in a 85mm f1.8 or 100mm f2.0, both very light-weight, too.</p>

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<p>I got rid of the 28-70/2.8 in favour of the 17-40/4.</p>

<p>17mm can capture more than enough inside a salon of the Musée du Louvre.</p>

<p>Rack the lens out to 40mm and set the aperture to f/4 and you can capture some decent portraiture shots.</p><div>00T0uV-123321684.jpg.16425630753d0e799a4845de5edd8a43.jpg</div>

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<p>Another vote for the 24-105 f/4L and a Speedlight 580Z flash. That's been and still is my travel setup. Many great suggestions from others too so you should go try them to see what works.<br>

My last trip to Washington DC from Honolulu though I brought along a Caon P&S, Powershot A720 IS instead of the 5D. It took great pictures with less weight.</p>

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<p>If I were restricted to one EF lens for travel, it would be the 24-105/4 L. If I were able to add two more, they would be the 17-40/4 L and the 70-200/4 L. I use fast zooms and primes around home, but there's nothing better than a lighter, more compact zoom for travel (where 99% of my shooting is done outdoors).</p>
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<p>"Tamron is at least 1/3rd stop brighter when compared to the same f/# on the L"<br>

I have noticed this between my Tamrom 28-75 and Canon 17-40 F4L. I thought it was from a difference in lenses coatings. The Tamron is very bright and clear almost harsh whereas the Canon has more saturated colors and seems a little darker as though I put a polorizer filter on. So I put a filter on the Tamron now they look the same and I can't tell the difference without metadata.</p>


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