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Faux Walls

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<p>Does anyone have any suggestions regarding constructing faux walls in a studio for creating versatile looks? I wallpapered a 48 x 96 piece of 3/16 inch foam board but the board warped drastically. I expected it to happen but was bummed when it actually did. I was hoping to be wrong. Still looks very cool when I use it but am thinking there's a better method out there. I want to be able to have a stack of "?" available in my studio so I can easily position them to create corners and small venues. I thought the foamboard idea would work well and it still might if I paper the other side to possibly balance the warpage. Just curious what other "outside the box, creative individuals" are using to keep their studio images fresh and creative without constructing permanent walls. Thanks, in advance. for the ideas. Much appreciated!</p>
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<p>Hi Chas,<br>

Thanks for the reply. I'm thinking of going to my local big box store and seeing what they have in terms of paneling....I'm going to need something smooth on both sides so I can wallpaper both....the goal is to have 5-10 panels that, when opened, have the same wallpaper on opposing sides so I can separate 2 panels at a 45 or 90 degree angle and have a corner immediately configured. Make sense? The hard part is making sure the material is light enough to easily move. That's why I went with the foamboard originally. Any ideas on a lightweight, flat material that's somewhat inexpensive and can be wallpapered? Looking forward to more replies from others.</p>

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<p>Haven't seen it in a long time but they used to make fake brick. You could buy either 4x8 sheets that I think were plastic molded and painted to look like brick. You could either staple/glue it to a sheet of plywood/wallboard or a frame. They also made actual brick that was just a think slice of brick, the equivalent to a wood veneer, that could be glued or mortared to wood.</p>
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<p>Thanks Sam. Good idea I think I found what will work best. I found 4 x 8 sheets of wood underlayment at my local Lowes. I think it's 1/4" Still fairly light and very smooth. Van paint with a primer and wallpaper. No warp and still moveable. Thanks for everyone's help and input.</p>
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