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"Best" Portable Strobe Lighting Kit for Nikon?

Mary Doo

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<p>Hi, I am looking for the "best" portable strobe lighting kit for wedding photography, photojournalistic style. My main camera body will be Nikon D300.</p>

<p>I am considering the Quantum System - sample links below:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/400103-REG/Quantum_Instruments__Qflash_T5D_with_Turbo.html">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/400103-REG/Quantum_Instruments__Qflash_T5D_with_Turbo.html</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.qtm.com/Trio/?res_set=yes&res=1280&resh=1050">http://www.qtm.com/Trio/?res_set=yes&res=1280&resh=1050</a></p>

<p>Please recommend which/what works best in real life wedding photography, with consideration of pros and cons, etc.</p>



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<p>For me I need to qualify what you mean by photojournalistic? For me that means trying to stay inconspicuous and capturing the day as it unfolds. It means moving quickly and ready at anytime for anything. By that definition, then no, the Quantum flashes would not be my first choice. I would want something like a Nikon SB900 (my wife likes the size of the SB800 if you can still find one). And the Nikon flashes can still be used with a Quantum turbo battery for nearly instantaneous recycle times. On the other hand, I love the quality of light I get from my Quantums, but I never use them on camera/bracket; I always use them off camera and that <i>usually</i> means taking some time to set up the shot I want. Which would NOT be photojournalistic IMHO. The few times I did try to use my Quantums in TTL I wasn't happy with the result. Now I only use my Quantums in manual.</p>
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<p>Mary, it is really a personal decision deciding on what flash system you want to use. I use the T5D's and love them. Mike Bisom has a legitimate complaint regarding the TTL issue. The flash units regarding TTL are not very accurate and I actually prefer the AUTO setting over TTL.</p>

<p>The positive point about the T5D's are the true whites. Most flash brands tend to favor a slightly warm output, but for whatever reason this flash is pure. I also really enjoy using the bare bulb. The color quality is amazing.</p>

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<p>I have and use as a main kit:</p>

<p>0ne SB900 on cam, three 800's and a 600 which are used by other shooters or off cam during receptions and for a key during formals where I don't need too much extra light for my groups.</p>

<p>Other wise I use AB's or WL's off cam (often x2) a few feet from the cam postition for formal groups at the alter.</p>

<p>I like the RP's as they fire reliably once you understand how to set them up well.</p>

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<p>Both Nikon and Quantum is best for me. I use the SB-800's for general coverage and candid stuff. Sometimes I use a second Sb-800 at reception (dancing), fired via Nikon's wireless TTL. The Nikon TTL is really nice, especially for large aperture fill-in.<br>

For formals I use the Quantum. An older Q-flash is just fine. I use it set on manual only. It has more power than the Nikons, and has the nice recycle "beep." I use an umbrella style softbox. Very nice light out of the Quantum. Camera on tripod, Qflash fired by Pocket Wizards.<br>

I power the Quantum with a Turbo 2x2. I can also use the Turbo battery to power the SB800.<br>

I have never liked the setup of the Qflash and Turbo together on a roving type set-up. Just too bulky, too many cords.</p>

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<p>The 'best' kit is the one you use based on your own needs and desires. The only things I'd say about the two kits you list are 1) The Trio hasn't been out long enough to get many solid real world reviews and 2) I have often heard the auto thyristor is better than the TTL implementation in the T5D, and 3) if that is the case, you can go with older Quantums using auto thyristor for cheaper. I prefer manually controlled off camera flashes, so TTL bells and whistles mean nothing to me.</p>
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<p>$1200+!! Jeeebus H... you can get a nice monolight and a portable battery pack for much cheaper. I have to echo that off-camera TTL hasn't been especially polite to me and I much prefer manually setting the off-camera flashes. Personally I'm looking into something like an Alien Bees B400 + sturdy stand + sandbags + Vagabond portable battery pack which all comes out to about $600'ish? Just throwin it out there for consideration. :)</p>
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<p>Thanks folks.</p>

<p>I ended up getting the ID-Light set (<a href="http://www.lowel.com/ilight/i_c.html#info">http://www.lowel.com/ilight/i_c.html#info</a>), Turbo 2x2 battery, and radio poppers (<a href="http://radiopopper.com/">http://radiopopper.com/</a>). These were recommended by a pro friend and they appear to be compatible with most of your recommendations as well.</p>

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