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<p>Hello sports fans. Here is the deal. I shot Basketball, Baseball, Football, Softball and Wrestling as a stringer for a couple of papers. I got to hot a soccer game Tuesday. Now soccer is a game I know nothing about this game. So if anyone could give me some ideas about good places to set up for action shots and anything else that might be helpful I would reall appreciate the help. My standard carry is my 30D and a 70x200mm US ISM Canon Lens.</p>
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<p> Soccer is not unlike football or basketball in that the action should in theory be going in one direction or the other. The best place to position yourself is on the opposing team goal line as your local team attacks toward that goal allowing you a chance of capturing your local players coming towards you. Let the action come to you so don't move around too much. The equipment you have is more than adequate. The ball in the shot is crucial and your editor will want recognizable faces of the local team.<br>

good luck<br>


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I would tend to agree with Steve about positioning yourself on the goal line to start with but as you become more aware of the game it can be useful to move around the pitch if that's possible. You kit should be fine I use a Canon 30D with a Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 most of the time.<br>

To illustrate a point this was taken from near the corner flag (but on the goal line).<br>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3211/3142055308_9968586a4d.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="484" /></p>

<p>Whereas this was taken around the half way line<br>

<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2181/2495024958_0ebcc5bd09.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="400" /><br>

Good Luck</p>



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