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<p>Is it true that Nikon D60 DSLR cannot take this lens?<br>

Nikon 18-200mm F3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR DX<br>

I was told in a shop. So I was thinking whether to go for ahigher priced D80 or D90!! in which he suggested that the lens will go.<br>

Please reply.<br /> </p>

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<p>Whoever told you that was misinformed. Or trying to get you to spend more money on a new camera.</p>

<p>When I was looking for a tele zoom I tried that lens on my D60 in a shop and it worked perfectly. I wasn't impressed enough for the price but that was because optically it didn't do anything beyond the 18-55 + 55-200 combo, while costing more and having a lot of distortion. Do you have a shop near you where they'll let you try the lens on your own camera and take some shots?</p>

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<p>Dear andrew, can you pleae tell me more about this particular lens Nikon 18-200mm F3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR DX.<br>

You mean to say that this lens is no good in comparison to having the twin lens system like 18-55 and 55-200. But this is claimed to be a very good lens!!!</p>

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<p>I guess 18-55 plus 55-200 is $125 plus $225, or total of $450.<br>

I guess 18-200 is $600<br>

You save $150 and sligthly better IQ, but you may have to change lenses frequently and may miss some photo opportunity.<br>

I sold my 18-55 & 55-200 to get 18-200 because I hate to change lenses and invite dust.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>What I mean is that it's your call, either way there are tradeoffs but for my needs I preferred the 2-lens option.</p>

<p>That lens does work on a D60. Don't take anybody else's word for it - try before buying. (Do that with any lens.)</p>

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<p>Rajnish, the 18-200 will work fine on your D60 because it is an AF-S lens. It has an ultrasonic motor in the lens. The D60 does not have an AF motor in the camera, so non AF-S lenses will not autofocus on the D60.<br>

The 18-200 lens is very good for what it is designed to do...be versatile. So you can shoot through a broad range without changing lenses. I use it a lot on my D300. It is very nice and the VR does help you at slower shutter speeds. All lenses have limitations. The 18-200 is a very nice compromise for such a broad range.</p>

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<p>i wouldnt trust any employee at a camera store who deliberately misinformed you in order to make a sale of a more expensive item. that is just bad customer service. this employee should be reprimanded, hung,drawn & quartered, and have his pay docked and his feet beaten with a wet rope. at the very least, i'd complain to the manager so the store knows you're on to him/them.</p>
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<p>Do note that the optical quality of the images from the 18-200 will not be as good as the optical quality from the two-lens combination. I started out with the 18-200 and ended up buying three lenses to supplement it because I was not satisfied with the image quality, particularly once you get out of the central area, and I also wanted better bokeh for portraits. I now consider it my "backup" lens.<br>

The "avoid dust" argument doesn't really hold water. The 18-200VR, like any other zoom, sucks air into the camera whenever you zoom.</p>

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