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Subscribing to Photo.net

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<p>This really isn't the venue for customer-facing display of your work, Nathan. It can be a great way to interact with your fellow photographers, and some of your customers might enjoy seeing what you post here (images and messages), but you really want an environment that's more taylored to showing your work in a commercial way. And since your customers aren't also going to be subscribers here, they're going to see ads for other services... which may not be a good fit.<br /><br />Are you talking about general portfolio stuff, or about per-project customer review of your work? <br /><br />Incidentally, a subscription here (use and support of this site in general) has great value, regardless.</p>
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<p>I direct some people who may be interested in my photos to this site, but I shoot as a hobby and my "customers" are usually non-profit environmental organizations looking for charitable donations. If I were really into selling images and had a number of clients, I would choose something other than photo.net. It's easy and relatively inexpensive to set up a personal home page using one of many templates. I use photium, some use smugmug, and I know there are other alternatives.</p>
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<p>Image Pro will be good, but it's still in development. The original implementation wasn't good and so photo.net is currently rewriting all the software for it. It's currently in Beta mode, which means it's not 100% reliable and can go up and down as changes are made.</p>

<p>When it's done it will be an application more suited to resenting your work to the public, but right now I can't recommend it as a business solution until it becomes more stable and gets past the Beta phase. Right now, for example, the Image Pro system is down :-(</p>

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<p>I was hoping to have it down by now, but that is the world of programming. Stuff always takes longer than you think it will. I have a "checkpoint" meeting early next weekt hat should give me a better idea of when we will have it going again.</p>
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<p>This site certainly does bring in good exposure for your work though. I posted a few controversial photos last year which started a heated debate. For the 3 or 4 days the thread was active I was averaging 1000 plus hits daily to my personal website directly linked from here. Normally I get about 10 to 20 hits a day.</p>
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