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WedNEsDAy PiC #10


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We had a sixty degree day in CT last week and our hope stirred for Spring, but alas was dashed when this *^&%@#^% storm came along and dumped more than a foot of white litter. This is a clear gift of a lemon. Venturing out no further than my lower deck I shot this pic of the culprit strangling a cedar tree. I'm really sick of this and want to feel unearned sweat again and perhaps the sting of bit of sunburn, sand in my crocs...sigh. 1/640@f8, ISO 800 (ISO 800? forgot to reset after grandson's bball game) and my 35-70 Af 2.8 Thought it came out pretty well under the circumstances. Another crop of great shots, folks. Rene, where's junior's pic this week? .<div>00Se8u-113127584.jpg.144f134ab12e9ec51f1f062c6c286daa.jpg</div>
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<p>Some really great images so far!<br>

Jose, nice shot and the cake was really good:-)<br>

Hamish, I love your portrait shot!<br>

Rene', very interesting bird, do you know what it is?<br>

Kent, another eye popping bold architectural shot, I like it very much!<br>

Bruce, I like your dog, and the eye is really crisp!<br>

Doug, very nice detailed squirrel!<br>

And the rest are all quite nice!<br>



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<p>Richard, I noticed a bobber on your daughters cake. Is she into fishing? My daughter is. We have spent a lot of quality time on the water doing nothing while waiting for the big one to bite. She's 28 now and has a life of her own but we still go fishing together once a year.</p>
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<p>John, we do some fishing together, but more photography and canoeing. The bobber on the cake is for her grandfather and the single yellow candle is for her aunt. We were celebrating three February birthdays. My daughter just became a member of photo.net and she really wants a camera like dad's:-)</p>
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<p>I've been wanting to do something on a windy day/night with clouds whooshing by. Finally got the opportunity yesterday evening under the moonlight.</p>

<p>D40, 18-55 DX, ISO 200, 50 seconds, f/4, 28mm (effective 42mm)</p><div>00SeCG-113143684.jpg.c66bb5e7fc5c14c89cfec0b15f3258f0.jpg</div>

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Chicago, bridge on the river, right on the spot where Fort Dearborn used to be (F5, 24-120 VR on Kodak Tungsten film ISO

160). <p><center><a href=" Dearborn Bridge in Chicago title="Dearborn Bridge in Chicago by

franciscosl, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3090/3120085476_5d42aaa49e.jpg" width="500"

height="337" alt="Dearborn Bridge in Chicago" /></a></center>

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<p>What great photos, all!<br>

Gary, 'loved the sky!<br>

Waldemar - good to see my fav. Green with the dropplet.<br>

John - what an amazing purple.<br>

Gabe - nice moment.<br>

...and welcome "my friend" Hideyuki - my friend because i can identify with him for the smiple fact that I am attempting to learn how to shoot in a manual setting. I have posted one last week the same time and here is my second one.</p>


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<p>it's the silly season, when birds start to show their true nature. it's that territorial thing, where it's not uncommon the see a cardinal attacking its reflection in a car mirror. i was watching a couple of geese lingering at the corner of the pond when this aggressive one flew in and began a major confrontation. i captured a number of striking images, but this one in particular catches the action...</p><div>00SeFX-113161584.jpg.1c985938ae6c1d6eda2dee81923964f7.jpg</div>
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<p>JOSE.... Sorry! I just got back home and I am drunk! Uhmmm! I think the only option is JPG. I will take a good look when I am sober! :)<br>


GABE... I m always taking pictures or watching TV! <br>

BERNIE... Well, he is not junior since he is my second son.... anyway, the third entry is his. He uses my wife's maiden name, Hideyuki Miya.<br>

DOUG... beautiful shot! I love the detail.<br>

RICHARD... it is an Azure-winged Macpie!<br>

NEW COMERS..... We are all happy to see your work and we want to see more in the future!<br>

Excellent shots so far! Let's start working on next week's shot! :)<br>




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<p>Great shots folks. I'm shooting another philharmonic concert tonight, but thought I would drop in a bird shot instead. This is at the Veteran's Center Parrot Sanctuary here in Los Angeles. It was a tough setting, shooting through a wire mesh cage, distance away. Had to do a lot of tweaking with sharpening, exposure fixes, but I think it came out pretty well in the end.</p><div>00SeHX-113171584.jpg.5a215b3d1d83fa17147a918d911f644f.jpg</div>
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<p>Very windy the other day when I took photos of roofers repairing a nearby apartment complex. The gusts were so strong I had to lean against a trash dumpster to steady myself for these handheld shots. Gotta admire people who can work at heights in these conditions. Unfortunately the only shot I got of a bit of roofing debris being blown off was otherwise boring with no faces or physical reactions, so I had to stick with something vaguely artistic.</p><div>00SeJ0-113181584.jpg.7b60e31912cd317bd684ec6cc32a55d8.jpg</div>
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<p>another reason to look forward to wednesday! my pic of the week comes from a hip-hop chess federation event graced by none other than the Wu-Tang Clan's RZA: here's a shot of his ring-studded hands as he prepares to make a move agains Grandmaster Emory Tate.</p><div>00SeNx-113205584.jpg.3cb0a16031470d4c166c3ee086475df8.jpg</div>
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