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Hey, you know someone with high end web fashion photo lighting


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<p>Hmmm... lighting, as in equipment, or example work on their page? B/c on photo.net Matusciac Alex has some nice stuff in his fashion sections. Though fashion style varies greatly, so it may still not be what you are looking for.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=801023">http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=801023</a></p>

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<p>I'll butt in-- the OP's name is "Petr Turok", I'd have to assume he's from eastern europe, and english is not his first language. I'd further assume that as he ended w/ a `<', which is probably due to having a non-english keyboard.</p>

<p>I'd bet that all the jesters are either American or British, about the only countries in the world that routinely speak one language, and thus couldn't come that close to the proper grammer if they needed to ask this question in Petr's language.</p>

<p>I'd say w/ some fairly easy decyphering that Petr meant:<br>

"Does anyone know of a web page with some high end fashion photography and lighting?"</p>

<p>Granted, even though I am American, my company is Luxembourgese, my program director is latin, my director is Danish, my CEO is Belgium, and my escalation point is German-- oh, and of course I'm the escalation point for some Indians; so, it may be easier for me to figure this out and I could be over estimating my fellow readers. However, this is an international medium, and we should try to help when possible, and pause for some consideration before ridicule-- which breaks the PN forum posting guidelines and rules.</p>

<p>I'll field any further rebutts on behalf of Thorir. And may I point out that each of you mocked, after I decoded Petr's message. What say ye, <strong>Thorir</strong>? </p>

<p>And no straw man argument pointing out you are not American, or one other small, irrelivant incorrect assumption. The assumptions were a preface, and not the point.</p>

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<p>proooper or propper, answering a question when phrased as the OP did is impossible. We are not here to try to decipher the OPs mesage or question. If language is a problem he should either get someone to help him, or post on a forum in his own language. Obviously there is a lot of leeway but this particular one is beyong the relams of understanding.</p>
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<p>Oh come on-- give me some fun here. David, you gave me nothing. You feel into almost the cookie cutter pattern of weak come backs. I rarely take the time to argue w/ anyone other than Ellis about equipment, so make this exciting please.</p>

<p>Rule number 1 of weak come backs: point out errors in anything that is not germane to the topic; such as spelling and proper grammer. Distract the readers from the fact you have nothing valid, and hope the other person's lack of proof reading makes him seem impossible of being correct.</p>

<p>Yet, it's old and tired-- at least you did come back w/ something... and to that:</p>

<p>First, I decyphered it. And... I decyphered it before you replied; so I decyphered it for you. Or perhaps my response still left you spinning as to what the OP wanted? So the question is in the realm of understanding (since I could figure it out), but I do accept your comment that it is beyond _your_ realm of understanding. To that, let's proceed...</p>

<p>Second, if you are encapable of understanding the question, it is by far quicker to hit the back button, instead of typing a hateful response. Or... and this is advanced problem solving: you could rephrase and/or ask the OP to clear up your mistunderstandings? The point is, there's no reason to be a winkle on here, b/c of a badly phrased question.</p>


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