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How much to charge for online photos?

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<p>I was wondering how much you all charge to take pictures for online/website use. Here's what's going on: A family contacted me and wants professional pictures for a ministry website. They said that they will link back to me and will be ok with a copyright on the picture. Normally I charge $50 for a session and hope to make money on prints (so far so good!). However, they said they will not be buying prints. What would you charge for an hour of shooting and then editing the best 10 - 15 pictures? We have decided that we will not sell digital files a this time.</p>
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<p>Well, if its only for web use, they will not require a high resolution (printable) image... make it clear this is what you wil be delivering charge for session time only. I.e. by the studio time.... As long as the studio was empty - thats ok? Then they pick which images and you charge for editing those? </p>
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