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5D MK2 w/ lens kit availability in UK

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<p>I've been trying to get hold of this with the lens, and can't seem to find any dealers who have it in stock for a REASONABLE price (2,6 or lower). There are slightly more reasonably priced bodies in stock for £2k but to buy a lens separately would mean spending more money, near to another grand. So - if any of you folks have any tips on dealers with a legit camera and lens kit in the UK, I would be much obliged, especially as I hear that the next batch are going to go up in price due to our ailing economic climate.</p>
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<p>I am in exactly the same boat. All I want is a 5D2 body but I'll grab whatever I can get. I am more than happy to buy the kit with the 24-105 even though I already have that lens. I have had a 5D2 on order with Play.com for £1899 since last September and I'm still waiting! I honestly don't think I will ever get it, especially at that price. You're right, getting a 5D2 for £2100 or less is impossible at the moment in the UK. Good luck my friend.<br>

A good site to watch the UK prices fluctuate is <a href="http://www.camerapricebuster.com">www.camerapricebuster.com</a>. Some dealer was actually offering the 5D2 for £1599 at one point!</p>

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<p>You may also be interested to know that if you place a back order with Warehouse Express they always honour the original price at the time of the order. This has been 100% confirmed by a member of their own staff on their forum. They have the 5D2 kit on offer at £2497 which is the cheapest I can find anywhere in the UK. If you are prepared to wait for them to get stock, you are guaranteed to get it at that price.</p>

<p>According to Warehouse Express, Canon and Nikon expected a reduction in orders from Europe due to the drastic currency devaluation. They were wrong, and they have underproduced so they are now playing catch up.</p>

<p>Bestcameras.co.uk have the best body only price at £1999.99. The stupid thing is, my business is allowed to reclaim the VAT from any individual purchase over £2000 so it will work out cheaper for me if I avoid that deal for £1999.99 and get one for £2096 at Warehouse Express. Crazy or what?</p>

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