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Speck of dust inside lens


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<p>Lenses are unsealed environments. Barring living and using it in a cleanroom, this will happen. DO NOT try to clean it out yourself. Just use it and as you've noted it's most likely invisible. Avoid using it on the windblown Sahara and at kicking it around on your blanket at the beach; store your gear in a clean bag or closet. More than that is a fool's errand as we live in a sea of dust & grime.</p>

<p>Massive accumulations of such may cause flare when aimed into the sun, less than that is immaterial pretty much. There are typically 100K to a million dust particles per cubic meter of air (which is why cleanrooms are used) ... yikes.</p>


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<p>It doesn't appear to effect my shots <strong><em>but it may in the future</em> .</strong></p>


<p>It won't. Scattered specks of dust inside a SLR lens do NOT impact your photos. They simply can't resolve as an image (blurred or otherwise) in you photos.</p>

<p>It takes a LOT of dust in a lens to cause problems. The glass needs to essentially be coated from edge to edge with a layer of dust. Even this much dust won't resolve as spots in a photo, but it will increase flare or cause a loss of contrast as Jim noted.</p>

<p>What will resolve as spots in photos is dust on a DSLR sensor.</p>

<p>Right now you have <strong>a</strong> speck of dust inside your lens. Don't look again, because it will surely be joined by <strong>others</strong> in the near future. :-)</p>

<p>So relax, shoot some pictures, and don't give it another thought.</p>

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<p>Ray, it looks like there are cleaning marks inside the lens in your second picture. That shows that someone who didn't know what they were doing was fiddiling around inside your lens. I'd return it for that reason alone, even if the marks don't show up in a picture, as there is a good chance there is something wrong with the lens, even if it doesn't manifest itself readily.</p>
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<p>I have an old lens in the house that belongs to my father. it looks clean and everything. and it works well. but when i look thru it, i see some dust and 2 air bubbles?<br>

is it just dust? or is it really air bubbles?<br>


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