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POW - 2/8/09


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<p>Well, it seems everybody has been waiting impatiently for sunday.... :) <br>

My special admirations go out to : Bob's traffic, Scot's gorge in winter, Haig's #2 sunset, and Robert's flowing creek.<br>

I've been doing all kinds of very different stuff, this week :<br>

This is my first night-photo. Nothing spectacular as composition, but myself I was really surprised by the colours and ambience.<br>

<img src="http://static.zoom.nl/D02AA619CDD4507EDB5314F565A334D3.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="469" /></p>

<p>Next was taken along a dutch dyke, and is rather an exercise in pp. Still not quite happy as it is still to course (but I'll be getting there someday....)<br>

<img src="http://static.zoom.nl/7D12312668A505E4CA5D8E62FE575B51.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="353" /></p>

<p>And another yet conscious and obvious effort at manipulation of a (photo of a) twisted willow-branch<br>

<img src="http://static.zoom.nl/E45CE2AEE235F04F0CF1FD7FDFE56A6E.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="461" /></p>


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<p>Another great POW. I will comment on fav three as soon as more are up..<br /> @Haig, did you use a Red filter on your black and white? Composition could not be better, Her eyes are sparkling, her lips are crisp. I wonder what it would look like with a tad more contrast and dimming it down a bit? A tad darker overall image. That is a nice portrait!</p>
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<p>Early February takes many different forms, from hot (Pheonix), to cold (New England). Here in NE Oregon, it is somewhere in between. Frosty, seldom any snow. I have had fun taking some night photos at work. <br /> K10D, lenses are A50, F1:1.7; DA14, F1:2.8.</p><div>00SO34-108851884.jpg.d4dbc510341d67cfeb7bb7a92ee5a080.jpg</div>
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<p >Great photos this week ones that standout in order a of appearance</p>

<p >Bob M-#4 I have always liked low light street shots using manmade light sources Just curious what lens was used. I have good luck using the 18-200 sigma dc for artificial lighting it creates 14 band light stripes (I forgot what you call them) but I hope you know what I mean <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/8581545">http://www.photo.net/photo/8581545</a></p>

<p > Javier# 1 Great B/W which botton you push</p>

<p >Bob K –The Towhee is a very interesting bird and nicely captured </p>

<p >Trent W- #1 Macro work always grab my attention </p>

<p >Scot T – nice winter photo with open water</p>

<p >Haig -#1 again a good macro always grabs my attention</p>

<p >Chune- #2 Just for the difficulty in adjusting the white balance, great job on the white balancing</p>

<p >George C. Perfect perspective and great in B/W</p>

<p >Robert C-#3 perfect shutter speed not to fast not to slow and nice composition</p>

<p >Dorus O- #2 I don’t know why but it just captures my eye </p>

<p >Ronny P # 3 The tones in the overhead sky</p>

<p >John D # 1 I like the movement in the photograph <br>

Arkadiy-#2 Did you use anything to absorb and take away any reflected light form the right hand side of the ball??</p>

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<p>If you've got snow you might as well enjoy it Bob--I like the third shot with the blowing snow (from the warmth of my study.) That's a curiously effective shot, Adam. It looks like we were working along the same lines Steven but I like yours better. More wonderful street shots, Javier I like the B&W best. I envy you that owl, Ian. I don't envy you that ice route, Justin, but I love the photo. The gorge doesn't look like a gorge to me, Scott but it's a nice photo--the unusual light/tone makes it even more interesting. You're a lucky man to have found that willing victim, Haig! I like the sunset shot as well. Wonderful set Chune--the Lord Murugan statue is very well done. <strong></strong> "From the Hip" really works, George. Like 'em all, Robert--especially the creek shot. Ditto to dorus--the dutch dike is great. That lime is a neat photo Arkadiy. Nice series, Ronny--I really like the last two. Yours too, John--DA14 dazzles! </p>

<p> </p><div>00SOFc-108893684.jpg.8305da5990945b6a29b3d96c056c0450.jpg</div>

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<p>For Ian Forsyth,</p>

<p>The shot was taken on dark backround, and on a glass, with a dark surface under it. The simple picture was taken with dim lights, and the flash was used at a 90 angle to the object. That explains the light gradient from bright to nothing =). I thought that would look cool on a golf ball. Black and White RAW processing also helped to further improve the difference between blacks and whites, I guess "lightroom" can do that too. I used BibblePro</p>


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<p>No bob, I never get tired of snow pictures. I hardly ever get to take them myself because it rarely ever snows here in TN. Even this last snow where it messed Kentucky up, it never stuck on the ground here. It snowed huge flakes for about 6 hours, the temp was 36F, and it never got colder until nighttime, then it was around 15F. All the water turned into black ice on the roads, and now after 2 days of 50-60F weather, there's stil ice in the ditches and creeks.</p>

<p>Now a taste of Summer. I shot this in Augest of 2007 with the Pentax LX in 2007 on Velvia 100F. I really had a time trying to get it to look right on the screen, but I finally got it.</p><div>00SOJB-108900284.jpg.476d67814adaec979252231477adf9db.jpg</div>

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<p>Javier, that thing is a work in progress! I am just fooling around in PS.. I did not try the effect of a red filter.. I'll give it a try next time I'm tweaking the photo. I also need to go back and look at some tutorials on how to deal with skin tones etc..<br>

Dorus that second shot of yours is brilliant.. I think the willow branches are shaping up well too.. There is a definite mood and atmosphere in the 2nd shot.<br>

Ronny, your park shots are great.. especially 1,3 and 4<br>

Robert, love the creek.. flowers are pretty too for that matter :-)</p>

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<p>I took a photo walk on what may be the last really cold day of winter here, there was frost everywhere and the water was steaming with small ice floes floating by the ducks. My battery ran out just before my fingers got too cold. And then there was this...</p><div>00SOK1-108901784.jpg.4b09e992e236c7440ca2c090297b5cc9.jpg</div>
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<p>Finally, a processing exercise. I liked the moon and Venus (?) next to this Frank Lloyd Wright church, but when I got home only the building was in focus. But I had the moon better in a later shot, so I cut-and-pasted. The effect only works at a very small size - much still to learn!</p><div>00SOKC-108902184.jpg.d3c452379c5563c4776a185db2e32616.jpg</div>
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<p>And as it is not all about me - I love Robert's last two shots, those are great!<br>

George C, another great shot, but I'm beginning to worry about your second hand smoke exposure. :-)<br>

Scott, that Gorge shot is great - which lens did you use?<br>

Javier, I like the couple on the rocks, although it is the two boats that make the shot for me.<br>

Haig, I like the BW experiment a lot, sorry I can't be more constructive. It isn't technically perfect, but it works. Probably she's too pretty to goof up too badly. :-)</p>

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<p>Spending about an hour chasing the sunset across a frozen lake...<br>

#1- trying the new Pentax 10-17 fish eye, 10mm<br>

<img src="http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p26/stevet_010/_K200598.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="532" /></p>

<p>#2- fish eye lens, 13mm view<br>

<img src="http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p26/stevet_010/_K200581.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="532" /></p>

<p>#3- With Sigma 18-55mm lens, 18mm<br>

<img src="http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p26/stevet_010/K20D0657.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="532" /></p>


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