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If six inches behind the camera...


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<p>Regarding "Behind the Camera"</p>

<p>My late friend, Herb Boggie, who taught for many years at Brooks Inst. Inevitably, a student who had failed at an assignment would say, "I think my camera is busted, Mr. Boggie" at which time herb would respond, "You are right, there is a loose nut a few inches behind your camera".</p>

<p>Herb was a wonderful teacher and a little nutty himself.</p>


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"<I>Sunny 16 rule is rather old school (and rather useless anymore). Even plastic dReb's have pretty good light meters built in."</I>


<P>If I'm shooting a snowman on a sunny snow filled lawn with 100 ISO and my pretty good light meter calls for 1/500 sec at f/16, hopefully my brain will go, "Hey, wait a minute!"

James G. Dainis
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<p>What we need in a camera is a dynamic range meter and just have it pick an exposure that fits the brightest bright spot and the darkest dark just a tad bit within the side walls of a histogram.</p>

<p>Done. We'll take care of the rest in post. What most meters do is place mid gray tones in the middle and to heck with the rest of the dynamics.</p>

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