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<p>Hello, I'm looking to get my portfolio printed. Here's what I would like hardcover with printed image on front and back and about 30 pages (front and back) in full color. I shoot xpro, pinhole, redshift, etc. so subtleties need to come through with the printing. I am pretty fluent in photoshop and indesign, so I can make my own layouts, I have access to some excellent epsons, but I am not a book binder and I really want it bound and bad ass. Where should I go? I've been to blurb and I hear their print quality is pretty poor, eurobooks does not have mac friendly software, creative memories has a crazy site that I can't navigate. Any other ideas? Is there any photographers that look at people's books? I'd definitely like to hear what you have to say, my images are a little nutty and I would like my book to bit nutty too. Thanks.</p>
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<p>sean, much depends on if you want to have your pictures on a bookform so you get the pleasure out of seeing them on a book, and maybe get to persuade some friends to buy them. if you are thinking of a publication and coffee table type photography book, then you either need to have a niche or just be very goodm, and lastly, able to convince a publisher.</p>
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<p>I like the idea of having a book (portfolio) that looks like a book. I don't want to sell any of them. I know there are many vanity publishers that have the option of printing just one. I'm still just a student no publisher would be willing to publish me, I'm still a nobody. I have thought about making my own using two sided printer paper. I do know two people that do know how to stitch bindings, so that is an option, as well. I've been browsing the sorts of material that places like B&H sell for people to create their books and some of them are very nice, but they all look the same and without a good amount personal styling they will look the same to the people I show them to. Essentially I'm looking for a layout or presentation that compliments the type of work that will be shown in the book. I know I could make it in InDesign and make it look great, I'm not so sure I could do the same If I were to make it by hand without making it look like a scrapbook.</p>
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<p>I've made a photo book using iPhoto on the Mac. I used it to make my wedding photo album and it was great quality. I've also seen them at Ritz Camera (don't know the quality). And MyPublisher, I found through Costco, I've been meaning to try them, their stuff looks cool :http://www.mypublisher.com/products.php<br>

If you google it, you can find tons of places that print these types of books, ranging from cheap to ridiculously expensive... :)</p>

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<p>If you can prepare and print the pages yourself -- check with the art department at your school (you mentioned you were a student) and see if they have any book-arts students that might be willing to take on a collaborative project and bind your book for you.</p>

<p>Alternatively do the same basic search local to where you live to see if there are book artists in your area. If you lived in Western NC I would send you here as a starting point to find names of book artists:<br>


Penland School of Crafts<br>

Actually, you could check with them any way to see if they have a list of artists in your area -- I'm pretty sure they do.</p>

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<p>@Ashley I have read reviews of MyPublisher and they are mixed as far as print quality goes. I think I need better prints than they can provide. I don't use iPhoto either so that is probably a no go, however, I will look into it.<br>

@Jon, I will definitely send them a message. If this turns out to be the way I go, cross your fingers for me that I don't create a lame scrapbook. I have a feeling though that my prof would put an end to that right away though.<br>

@Charles I have looked into both blurb and lulu and the reviews I have read have pretty much said that you pay for what you get. Both of them are incredibly cheap...<br>

I guess I was looking for more experience based opinions. Many of the reviews that I read in regards to vanity publishers were made by folks who don't understand what print quality is or what a color profile is. I figured that fellow photographers would be better to ask as they understand the details necessary to create a good image, a good print, and a good printed portfolio. Hmmmm, what to do? Thanks so far the replies, it very much appreciated. Does any one else have anything they would like to put forward?</p>

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<p>If you do end up contacting Penland, please let me know who you get in touch with and if you use a book-artist through that connection I would be very interested to learn who you use.<br>

My family and I have deep roots with Penland both from attending classes (my wife is a book-artist but doesn't, I think, have the time to undertake this sort of project -- I'll ask) and volunteering.</p>

<p>However this goes I would be interested to learn what you, in the end, chose to do.</p>

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