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TSA-proof packs?


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<p>So our studio is looking at purchasing a couple of multi-voltage capable strobe kits with battery packs. We need to take these kits overseas in the belly of a commercial plane. As much as I'd like to do so, I've been told that shipping the packs ahead of time and/or renting abroad aren't options for us.<br>

<br /> All of the kits I prefer are powered by non-spillable lead-acid (gel) batteries--technically these may be legal as they are non-spillable and sealed, but I've had these types of batteries confiscated in the recent past and have no interest in arguing with a TSA rep in the future. I've already spent 3+ hours on the telephone with TSA higher-ups. Letters from the manufacturer haven't helped.<br>

<br /> So. Are any of you out there travelling with some powerful packs (min. 1000 w/s) without difficulty, and if so, what's the skinny? Do we have any options available short of shipping/renting? Am I condemned to a life of watchlist pat-downs & gear confiscation?<br>

<br /> I've looked at Hensel, Profoto Pro7s, Elinchroms w/Ranger RX, etc... All lead-acid (non-spillable, but apparently still an issue in TSA-land) or lithium (prohibited in checked baggage, over limits for the cabin). I've never heard of a similar pack being anything other than lead-acid or lithium but I'm hoping the hive mind can assist.<br>

<br /> If it were just me, I'd pack the heads and radios and ship the d*mn packs, but I don't call the shots here. :-)<br /> What works for you?</p>

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<p>Greg/Brian/Charles: thanks for sharing your experiences. We had also traveled without incident with them in the past but for some reason (bad day on the agent's part?) we had two non-spillables confiscated from checked bags a few months ago. I've since spoken with several supervisors at TSA HQ and I've been told that, unequivocally, the policy is "No way, no how." Apparently it's both a TSA & FAA rule. Ditto on American and Delta policy if I'm not in a wheelchair. (Non-spillable bat. powered mobility assistance devices are okay.) That being said, I know many photogs like yourselves are checking them through without issue. I'd be fine continuing to do so & taking my chances, but my supervisor doesn't want to take the gamble. </p>

<p>Matt: I would love to, and have suggested same as a temporary solution but unfortunately we shoot a lot of big wigs--for political reasons we need the fancy gear. And every now and then we need the power of the big guns.</p>

<p>Greg: do you find the Rangers to be pretty durable? Anything you love or hate about them?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I think the original ban was on bigger lithium batteries that weren't inside a device (i.e, they are spares.) There was a fear they would explode and cause a fire. As for a lock they can't open, maybe they would reject that bag from even going on the plane?</p>

<p>Kent in SD</p>

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<p>I see lots of info on lithium batteries on the TSA site, but no reference to lead acid batteries beyond the "no spillable" reference, which doesn't apply to gel cells.<br>

I was told that any lock they could not open they would cut off, even if it meant destroying the piece of baggage to do so.<br>

<Chas><br /></p>

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<p>Hi Jess:<br>

You are dealing with the federal govt. get it all documented.<br>

Send a letter to TSA describing your equipment, make, model serial (if you have it) and ask them to provide you with a written exxplanation including policy citiation as to why this equipment cannot be carried on board or shipped as luggage. Also include in your lettter a request that they take steps to communicate to their inspectors to ensuret hat they know what is acceptable or not. This is really true if they come back ans say that your equipment is NOT prohibited. Alos state that you want a name and numbe r of someone who can be contacted in the future at any time of day or night should yuo encounter this issue in the future. Copy your congressperson and Senator. Nothing gets a federal govt. executive like knowing a congressperson and senator are in on a constituants concerns.</p>

<p>If you get a favorable response back laminate copies of your letter and the response and keep in with you when you travel.<br>

I know that this would be a pain in the BUTT nut somethimes you have to resort to paperwork to beat the govt.</p>


<p>PS: If your employer or your company has an attorney, have them do the letter.</p>


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