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Help! Talk me out of purchase - M6 TTL

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<p>Was/Am a user of Leica SLRs (R4s and R7s) from about 1990 having had my Nikon SLR stolen that year. I purchased an M2 early last year and had my father's Contax IIA CD overhauled also. Am now completely hooked on rangefinders. Have spotted an M6 TTL for sale here in the UK that I'm itching to buy. Am currently using all my cameras regularly. Please tell me I don't need zis M6. Problem is it seems to be a bridge between my 2 systems (is a rangefinder but has an in built meter) and as I already have 3 M lenses I am finding it tres difficult to resist the urge - particularly cos one of the lenses is black (35 Cron 4th ver) and zis M6 is black also. There's no doubt that I'll use it if I get it, along with the other cameras. How does one justify this to oneself and particularly to one's wife - I suppose I could hide it for awhile until I've sold one of the R7's - Nah, couldn't do that - one's used for monochrome and the other for colour. HELP. PS the R4 left when the 2nd R7 arrived.</p>
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<p>James, I meant to say that M6TTL was the last top of the line model in mechanical Leica development. M7 has electronic shutter and MP is a retro camera, a bit like the 0-series, not a new improved model but a revamp of an old concept. M6TTL was the end of the development process for mechanical Leica's. So historically significant in that respect.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Mark, I won't tell you how to spend your money but my first entry into Leica rangefinders was in the 1980's with the M6 Classic and the 35 Summicron (version 4). Previous to that, I owned the R4 and some Hasselblad equipment (1 body and 3 lenses). Loved that equipment, but I wanted to simplify things and was enamored by the elegant user-interface of the M6 and how it felt in my hands - especially with the 35 Summicron.</p>

<p>The R4 and 'blad stuff is all gone now. My M6 and 'cron are still here with me. I will never sell them.</p>

<p>I added some other M E39 lenses and accessories over time and just love my set up. I also have a IIIf RD w/Summitar that is also a blast to use. It's kind of cool transitioning between the cameras.</p>

<p>BTW - I always shoot the M6 with the bottom half of the Leica Eveready (sp?) case attached. Just feels better in my pudgy man hands :-)</p>

<p>Good luck with you purchase ;^)</p>

<p>- Ray</p>

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<p>If you're a film user, there's nothing better than the M series.</p>

<p>I have an M6 TTL .72, and it's my favorite camera. I haven't used it for a number of years now. But I can't bring myself to sell it.</p>

<p>I'd consider looking at an M7. I would think it wouldn't be that much more than the M6, and it jumps the M line into the 1980s with its automatic metering. :)</p>


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<p>Succumbed to the Leica lust - yielded to temptation - call it what you will. Now have this baby in my hands - loaded up and about to go out. Pure pleasure. Erm, thank you all for not putting me off. Nee Sung, will not be selling the M2. Lol. One of the R7 s and an R lens may soon be biting the dust. Thanks again. Will post some photos in due course.<br>


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<p>Glad to see the story has a happy ending. Congratulations, Mark! The M6TTL has a few little details that may disconcert you in the beginning, but you'll get used to them later. For instance, it's slightly taller than your M2, and the shutterspeed dial turns the other/opposite direction. However, using the newer camera you'll see that metering is very intuitive, and that the shutterspeed dial allows you to make corrections on the go. In short, it's going to be your new addiction. </p>

<p>Don't sell any of your Leicas. Selling a Leica only brings guilt, and then repurchase at a higher price. </p>

<p>Take care!</p>

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<p>I know that feeling. Having a R6.2, two R7's (currently lend one to a friend of mine to convince him) and a couple of R lenses from 28 mm to 180mm, and a M6 ttl 0.85 (black). Now I would like to add a M6 ttl 0.58 (chrome) for using with the 24mm lens. Who is keeping me off, please?</p>

<p>Of course I do not use all my camera's of equal intensity, currently mostly the M. But having an SLR and rangefinder system is a good thing as they are used for different purposes. Also having two bodies of each system is very good as you can load them with different films or mount different lenses for 'ready to shoot'. Is this foolish? Probably it is, so keep me off purchasing an M6 ttl 0.58. Fortunately, Leica gear (at least the rangefinder system) keeps its value quite constant. The R system is a bit loosing its market value, I am afraid. But still it is great stuff to shoot with and giving unsurpassed results.</p>

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<p>As Mark just did, GO FOR IT!</p>

<p>My first M was a (chrome) M6 ttl 0.72, but sold it, after regretting selling it, I bought a (black chrome) M6 ttl 0.85. But I have always had the itch of shooting with two M bodies at the same time, one with the 0.58 and the other with the 0.85 which I currently own.</p>

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