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Do you tape your camera's logo and type


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<p>>>> Has absolutely nothing to do with theft (I think it's silly to think taping would deter any thug!) and everything to do with deterring weenies who use the same brand from approaching me and "talking cameras."</p>

<p>And that's mostly in the mind of the camera owner... No one has yet to ask me about any of my cameras when I'm out shooting. Tons of snaps, many years, urban areas. Never. Not once. Nobody cares - including people carry the same brand as the one I'm using. More likely some want to convey they're like HCB...</p>

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<p><em>"No one has yet to ask me about any of my cameras when I'm out shooting. Tons of snaps, many years, urban areas. Never. Not once. Nobody cares."</em></p>

<p>I take it you don't do a lot of event photography? I don't think anyone on the street has ever asked me either "when I'm <strong>out </strong> shooting," but it happens several times per <em>weekend </em> with indoor/event photography. I can't get over how many "camera buffs" and "shutterbugs" want to talk cameras at any social gathering.</p>

<p>For about the sixth time in this thread, I'll say it:<em> To each his own. If you want to tape, tape. If you don't see a need for it, don't. </em> But don't be offended by people who see it differently than you do. As the italicized quote about outdoor street shooting (from Brad, above) makes clear, we should not assume that the kind of photography we personally do is the same as everyone else's....</p>

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<p>The only taped camera I've ever seen was a guy shooting street in NYC a few years ago. Every inch of the camera, and I mean <em>every</em> inch, was covered in silver duct tape. My only thought was that he might be interesting to talk to. But he was in his zone and I didn't bother him. </p>

<p>We all wear a uniform whether we think we do or not, the camera is just an accessory. I say live an let live.</p>

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<p>>>> We all wear a uniform whether we think we do or not,</p>

<p>I wear a <a href="http://cr4.globalspec.com/PostImages/200709/TinFoil_DB52B2F1-0E7F-A983-F0F9D799A20B06C8.jpg">tin foil hat</a>. Makes me invisible to all the Canon gear crazies out there wanting to get into my head; while still keeping the voices indside from getting out. A win-win for all...</p>

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<p>Er. I am amazed at the number of people who posted to this thread. I don't cover any logos, I use a pentax strap with my bronica, I shoot a Ricoh 35mm with Panagor lenses, and I still use the Canon Digital on my XTI. <br>

<br /> And this is the first time I have ever thought about any of this!</p>

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<p>I'm amazed at the responses too, both the quantity and the passion. And I honestly had never even heard of taping cameras before, so it's been an educational thread. I guess the closest I come concealing my camera identity is that I use Tamron lens caps on my Canon lenses: But it's simply because I prefer their center-pinch design. Much easier to use with the hood on.</p>
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<p>Strong feedback, indeed! Some people feel the need to do certain things in a certain way. It's really up to them for what they do on their camera. Someone like to talk to strangers and some don't enjoy it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion here as a forum. But, using words like "useless", "obsessive", "try to be special", etc. by some of the "non-taping" crowd put the "taping crowd" on a defensive side. I was surprised to see that the "taping crowd" has kept the sharing and educational mindset when they wrote and did not use words like "showy", "chatty", "like to draw attention", etc. back.</p>

<p>If you understand the marketing concept of a Japanese company, MUJI <a href="http://www.muji.com/message/">http://www.muji.com/message/</a> that has been very popular in Japan for many years with growing popularity in the US as well, you probably will appreciate the fact that there is a group of the people out there that don't like brand showing on high quality items that they purchased. It's more than just try to camouflage or avoiding the thieves. I am not sure if this is called individualism or trying to blend in. In fact, it can be BOTH. </p>

<p>I have seen people in some other countries leave the sticker on the lens of their sunglasses. It is also customary on some culture to leave the brand label on the sleeves of their blazer. Just wonder what the "non-taping" crowd would have to say about these. The OP asked "Why do you (tape)?" He did not asked "Why not?"</p>

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<p>The only time I've ever put tape on a camera was when the rubber part on the bottom of my D300's MB-D10 started to come off; so I taped it back into place. I don't see myself ever taping over the logo of my camera. And I also don't see why people use different camera straps just so they don't have a manufacturer on there. I am proud to use Nikon. And as long as their logos here and there don't get in the way of what I am trying to, I'm not gonna cover them up. </p>
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<p>I just put tape right on the front element of the lens. It protects the lens so I don't have to worry about whether or not to use a UV filter or lens hood.<br>

I say tape if you want to tape...don't tape if you don't want to tape. Use a UV if you want to...don't if you don't. Use a lens hood if you want to...don't if you don't. Use a Canon if you want to...Nikon if you have to.</p>

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<p>As you get older you will realize that there is nothing to gain in letting other people know what you have. I don't tape any logos but I always changed the camera strap, if I can divert some attention away from my camera why not. It's not a question of pride. I am proud of what I have, my expensive NAME BRAND camera and lens, my new car, my new houses and I have money saved in the bank, so what, did I just gain anything in telling you this. I don't go and rub any of this in my employees faces by taking my expensive camera to work or driving my new car to work. I enjoy every thing that I have, but I don't enjoy it more in letting other know. This is how I see it I advertise my expensive camera by keeping the Original Camera Strap that is in your face huge logo in yellow you can't miss it and my chances of attracting a thief just increased. If I take my new car to work my employees will be "that SOB is having it go I'm going to ask him for a raise". <br>

For all of you that are still young at life, take my word you gain nothing from letting other know what you have.<br>

Now I'm going back to work and tell my employees what I have, maybe they will work faster and I will have more productivity from them or maybe they will be very happy for me. Huh I can see it now more money.</p>


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<p>I cannot understand the lack of pride or joy in ownershipl You work hard to gain what you have; it's not showing off but rather pride in the choices you make. Maybe if I had a 1Ds3 wiht a 50 1.2 ($10K) I'd tape the whole thing up with gaffers -- why not? Don't want to show this rig off you know, not in this day & age.</p>

<p>S.I. or Getty NFL Pro photogs on the sidelines often tape parts of their white lenses, but the body itself?</p>

<p>Also, to call anyone pretentious for NOT taping is so ludicrous it's astounding. It's the opposite that smacks of some pretension unless it's for pure utilitarian purposes (switch frozen).</p>

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<p>I figured it out! <br>

I taped over the D70 on my camera body. The black photographers tape by 3M looks good.<br>

Then purchased a Nikon D3 neckstrap. It's incredible how much improved my pictures are coming out. Now to try it on my Canon S3.</p>

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<p>Interesting; I don't think I've ever noticed anybody taping the brand names etc. out. Then again, I rarely pay much attention to other people's gear, unless it's something significantly extraordinary (say, a 400+ mm huge telephoto lens), so it's quite possible that I've missed several sets of taped equipment.</p>

<p>Anyway, as can probably be figured out from the above, I don't tape things myself, as I don't <strong>personally</strong> see any need; I don't care either way if somebody notices what brand of camera I'm using or not<br /> , nobody has ever tried to rob me (there are positive sides on being an big and ugly guy :) and it's very rare that somebody wants to talk about my gear (see previous item).</p>

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