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<p>1_it look like a good shot to start with, some desaturation and warmer tone add.</p>

<p>2_kind of a dragan effect without too much USM on the subject, a lot of vignetting again a good shot to start with.</p>

<p>3_kind of a dragan effect , a lot of vignetting again a good shot to start with. Maybe some photo montage to add the dogs or 1 dog, mask to keep or add the light to the lantern</p>

<p>All 3 images are well done to start, and heavy post processed, in this style it fit them well.</p>

<p>No one button push effect, experience and work..always the secret : )</p>


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<p>Primarily the subects are shot in studio lighting which can be very carefully controlled and then that shot os montaged with the backgrounds. Tonal adjustments are made so the blending is on the edge of believability.<br>

This is a technique which is far older than digital cameras or processing but is now much more easily and cheaply done without the need for a very expensive retoucher. The downside of that is that many more people are going to do it badly</p>

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