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Photoshop CS2 Problem

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<p>I'm not sure if this fixable, but I have lost the "open with" file association with Photoshop CS2; i.e., in that it doesn't provide me the option of selecting Photoshop to open my image files. In hopes that it might be helpful to describe how my problem began, here's how it happened.</p>

<p>After Windows XP did an automatic update of Service Pack 3, my XP system died and never recovered. I ended up having to reformat my hard drive, which I did. I then installed my original PS7 full version and then my upgrade to CS2. After installing CS2 my image files opened in PS7, even if I selected CS2 from the "open with" file option. So, I uninstalled PS7 thinking that Windows was confusing itself with have the two versions of Photoshop. Following this I lost ability to do a file association with a .jpg and Photoshop.</p>

<p>I then went to Control Panel and did a "repair" of the CS2 installation. This still didn't provide a remedy. At the moment, when I select a .jpg with "open with" (doing a right click on the folder), even if I browse applications and select CS2, my .jpg files continue to open in the Windows Viewer application.</p>

<p>I'm stumped... and seriously considering buying a MAC.</p>

<p>Anybody know how to fix this? Thanks in advance.</p>



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<p>Yes Joseph, I have tried it both ways... with and without clicking the "always use the selected program to open" option. It doesn't work either way. Windows XP just doesn't seem to recognize the CS2 application program. It's almost like the operating system can't "see" it. Having said that, I can open CS2 fine from the start menu and it seems to work just fine. I can "see" CS2 in my recently used applications, and I can "open" the .jpg files from CS2, or from Adobe Bridge.<br>

Some how I think that originally Windows XP couldn't distinguish between PS7 and CS2, and that created the problem of the .jpg files opening with PS7 in lieu of CS2. When I deleted PS7 the add/remove feature of XP must have deleted the file association for photoshop, and CS2 must not have created an association for the operating system on its own??<br>

Perhaps I should try removing CS2 and re-installing it afresh? Your thoughts?</p>


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<p>After thinking about it, I decided to uninstall CS2 and re-install it. That did the trick. All the file associations are good now (working again). Now, if I can find a way to load the Nikon D90 RAW files in CS2 (without upgrading to CS4).<br>

Joseph, thanks for your help.</p>


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<p>You need to go to tha Adobe site and look for the plug in for CS2.<br>

Here is the article on what you need to do.<br>

<a href="http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=kb402112">http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=kb402112</a><br>

do a search for, cs2 raw plugin download<br>

Try this link to get at the download.<br>

<a href="http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=39&platform=Windows">http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=39&platform=Windows</a><br>

Taking a quick look at the last link it does not seem quied right as the article talks about 4.1 version of the plug in . Have used that one in the past for canon and it worked cleanly. I believe that that version is also used to open Nikon raw files. Did upgrade a friends version of Elements 6 to handle Nikon RAW with 4.4.3 version of the plug in. It did also state that that version works with CS2.<br>

It's not easy to find the right plugin on the adobe site I know, I had to hunt quiet a bit.<br>

Let me know if you have problems.I still have a copy of the plugin. Can email it to you. 4.4.1 is about the 3 1/2 mb. Should go through email OK.<br>

Good Luck.</p>

<p>Oh , <strong>Happy Christmas.. :o))</strong></p>


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<p>You gentlemen are just great. I downloaded the Adobe DNG convertor this afternoon and am now able to load my D90 RAW (.nef) files. I was pleasantly surprised by the versatility of the DNG convertor and really was truly impressed with it.<br>

Today was the first time I had the opportunity to capture a few images with the D90 using the RAW file format. The precision and detail with the 18-105mm kit lens (at F:8.0) was absolutely amazing. The Nikon folk did a great job in designing this camera lens combination.<br>

This is an amazing site for photographers with some amazingly knowledgeable and helpful people. Thanks again for all your help and best wishes for the holiday.<br>

Kindest regards, Will</p>

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