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Best Portable Strobe/Softbox ?


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<p>Well, I want to do more glamour/portrait photography and was looking for the best solution in getting a lighting system that is some what portable yet I can use it in my house as well for a basic do it all.</p>

<p>I am curious if I can setup a a few portable strobes with a 3-4 foot softbox for portrait photography. <br>

I seen some photo mag of of a pro Using 3 stobes in one softbox to light a model out doors full body. <br /><br />Since I am restriced on space and money I am wanting the biggest bang for the buck. I see myself shooting more outside as my studio basically is not there. <br>

That said I really like the Softbox light vs umbrella lighting. So I am cruious if there is a Softbox system that hooks up to portable strobes that is big enough to do the job ?<br>

I have 2 strobes now with stands and remote triggers. I have 3 18 inch umbrellas along with a white/silver/gold 2-3 foot scott reflectors.</p>

<p>I but would like the Big Softbox look for a half body or full body portrait but have not seen anything that would fit my portable setup.</p>

<p>Not sure this is possible but since i am going to spend money on portabilty i might as well try to make it do the same job down in my basement. If you know of any flashes that take plug in capability so that i dont have to recharge my batteries all the time that would be great as well.</p>

<p>I understand I am asking alot for a 1 do it all system but i am restriced on space and money vs buying a larger studio light and Softbox that fit it.</p>


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<p>It might be easier to consider a monolight and a supporting battery power supply. That way you'd be able to use the same light modifier at home and in the field, and know how it will behave... and no fiddling with mounting a bunch of speedlights to (somewhat awkwardly) make the most of a large softbox.<br /><br />You could use something like an Alien Bees AB1600 or its sister product, the White Lightning (which can be switched to quarter power - which can be handy). Then use one of their <strong><a href="http://www.alienbees.com/battery.html">Vagabond power supplies</a></strong> to make it go in the field. Obviously, there are other makes/models of equipment that could follow the same strategy. But if you want to make use of a large light modifier, I think that fussing with multiple hotshoe strobes in that role is just way too much trouble. All depends what you already own and what you're willing to spend, of course.</p>
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<p>A chimera medium or large softbox should do the trick. As for the light source itself : a 400 watt-second Norman or Lumadyne or a big Metz flash should give you good light and in good quantity, depending on softbox to subject distance. If you need more power look at an Alien Bee B1600 with their Vagabond 2 external battery, and if you need more power than that a Profoto 7B, Broncolor Mobil, Hensel Porty or Elinchrom Ranger high powered (and high cost) battery system.</p>

<p>MAke sure you have good sturdy stands and sandbags as even a small softbox out of doors is a wind magnet.</p>

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<p>"I really like the Softbox light vs umbrella lighting."<br>

You have 18" umbrellas and you're comparing to a 2'x3' sofbox. To make a more accurate comparison you should be looking at a 60" umbrella or at least a 48". 18" inch umbrellas as well as 18" softboxes will yeild rather hard light. The softness of the light is based on the size and distance of the source not weather it's a sofbox or not.<br>

The main difference with a sofbox is that you can more readily control the direction of the light and spill with grids. For softness there really isn't much difference compared to a comparable umbrella. To get umbrellas even closer to the subject you can use shoot through instead of bounce umbrellas.<br>

You're not telling us what lights you have so it's dificult to make a recomendation. I would think one strobe with a larg umbrella would be much more useful than a large softbox with 3 small strobes powering it.</p>

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<p>Bob, thanks. I need to make a clarification. I have 2 vivitar 285 flashes. I would like to keep it somewhat afordable for a portable flash system.<br>


I could upgrade to a more powerful flash if it is available. I would like a dynamic and versatile system. Since I am not doing this as a pro i need somewhat an affordable generic system. To me i could see buying a larger shoot through umbrella and a more portable larger flash. The light spill from the umbrellas worry me a bit not so much as i have shot with them i just am more use to the softbox control. <br>

I was looking into the <strong>Small LiteDome Kit with Swivel.</strong><br>

<strong>thanks jay</strong></p>

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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>Better off getting a Lastolite panel and defuser cover and set the light up so that it covers the subject with even defused light. I saw this technique in a video by Joe McNalley on KelbyTraining.com. I got me a 42x42 Lastolite panel being delivered next week with the covering about a week behind.</p>
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