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Photo Fiction Books

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Edward just asked for imput on good books to learn photography and we all like to read how to improve our images, but I would like to know

if anyone has found some really good fiction books. There must be some good mysteries, medical, horror, romance - I don't care what the

genre. I just want a good read that focuses (sorry) around photography or a photographer as the main character. I need something fun to do

while the nice storm hits the midwest and snows me in.

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<p>The same question was asked a week or so back but I can't find it now. In that thread I suggestedthe following books from the UK<br /> <strong><em>Reflex </em> </strong> by Dick Francis - a jockey (it is always a jockey in DF) has to solve the mystery death of a racecourse photographer who has left a series of photographic clues'<br /> <em><strong>Have His Carcase</strong> </em> - Dorothy L Sayers - (1932) the heroine finds a dead body on a beach and has to photograph it as eveidence before it gets washed away. !930's crime story with a rollfilm camera for old camera collectors.<br /> <strong><em>Hary Potter and the Chamber of Secrets</em> </strong> - JK Rowling - a camera features in part of this chldren's book . In the film it is an Argus C3</p>
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<p>FAREWELL to the MASTER (1940 by Harry Bates). The hero of that story is a journalist photographer who still uses film! LOL.</p>

<p>Two movies were made, based on that story: "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951, 2008).</p>

<p>A quote from the story: "He would take a small, very fast infrared camera that could see in the dark, and he would get the real picture and the story. He snatched up the little camera, grabbed an aircab and hurried back to the museum..."<br>


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<p>I'm currently working on a novel tentatively called "The Minister's Lens." The story elements so far: During the mid-1960's a Methodist minister in a small town discovers he has a talent for photography. He uses money made from this talent to finance some of his church's ministries, but some of the elder members object because they feel it is interfering with his duties. At this point I'm still working on the story and developing (no pun intended) characters. <br>

Might be a while, though, since I haven't found a publisher for my first novel yet or my short story collection.</p>

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