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Great looking software for photographers who want to get paid for their work


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<p>FYI<br /> I just stumbled across software that helps to keyword photographs i.e. who, what, where, when also supplies sample quotes for photos for specific usage and lots of other functions. It's made by CRADOC (the people who used to make slide labels).<br /> The site alone is a small course in photo business practices. I am not in any way connected to the company and have not yet purchased the software. I did download a demo.<br>

<a href="http://www.cradocfotosoftware.com/index.html">http://www.cradocfotosoftware.com/index.html</a></p>

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<p>Howard--Yes, I read though the website and there seems to be great info there. Did you play much with the demo? Did it let you actually use the software, eg. get quotes for your images, or did it just illustrate how it works?</p>
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The only module available was the fotoquote and it did allow me to scroll through the quotes for magazines, brochures, etc with the appropriate prices for sizes and # of reproductions. The keywording module takes descriptions from 9 different websites (like gettyimages and corbis) and allows you to choose from lists. I couldn't actually do that but their video was fully explanatory.<br>

I'm not up to doing this yet, but it certainly seems to make the curve less steep. Recently I had one of my photos picked for exhibit and I turned to this forum for help with the loan agreement and it <strong>was</strong> helpful, but the program has full sections on copyright and licensing which would certainly come in handy.<br>

I guess reading about all the problems people have running a photo business was intimidating me and I was relieved to see substantial help was available. It was also interesting to see how Cradoc had developed. I hadn't noticed their name in a while.<br>


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