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Photographing clothes in shop?Any advice?


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<p>Regarding the general concept of photographing a clothing item in a store would this be acceptable?If done in the changing room on the pretext of trying it on it would be difficult to prevent.The purpose?Perhaps commercial or sales.Even to make a historical fashion record....I guess some stores would object some not care.It would be harder in a top end designer place with more attention and supervision.Is there a "copyright"issue?In otherwords if you photo the design and use the photo in fashion newsletter/offer it for sale before you have bought it/or make comments about it good or bad are their any issues you can think of?<br>



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<p>I believe this was covered in an answer to one of your previous posts. If you are on private property, you need explicit permission to take pictures, of anything.</p>

<p>I can't imagine how you could make surreptitious pictures of clothing in a changing booth with anything more than a phone-cam without being noticed by the staff. I mean all those strobes going off in there will be a tip off, right?</p>

<p>You certainly can't use 'stolen' photos of anything for commercial or product sales purposes. Fashion designers own the copyright to their work just as musicians and photographers do theirs.</p>

<p>There are good reasons for copyright laws, and it seems as though you are intent on circumventing them. Perhaps you would have better luck asking at the front door instead of figuring out how to sneak in the back.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I agree with Charles Webster that there are indeed copyright issues. The way to resolve them is not at the bottom of the food chain with the retailer, but at the top with the designer. She probably has photos of her output, owns the copyright on them, and can make them available for the purpose of promoting her product if contacted and asked nicely.</p>
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<p>Please post your police mug shot so the rest of us can all get a good laugh! LOL!!<br /><br />Of course you *can't* do what you are describing. First of all you are in a privately owned store and secondly you don't own the article of clothing. Geez!<br /><br />I belive the lawyers call this "Undue Enrichment". In other words you would be gaining from something you don't own.<br /><br />Terry Thomas...<br />the photographer<br />Atlanta, Georgia USA</p>
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