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Dumbest Photo Question that You've Ever Been Asked

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<p>I have an old (1930s) Rolleiflex TLR. When I am out taking pictures with it, I often get questions like "what is that thing?" and "wow - does that take pictures in color too, or does it only do black and white?". </p>

<p>I had a lot of trouble explaining to airport security personnel that 120 film is real camera film. I had to take apart the TLR to show them how the film fit into it. A couple of them gathered round to see the old camera.</p>

<p>I don't mind these questions so much, because people are curious and then they learn something about photography - maybe they even get interested in it. That's good for us photographers. And one more clued-in airport security person can only help us.</p>

<p>The one that bothers me is "Gees - Don't you know about digital cameras?" I got that from a fellow with a Nikon 80D and a bunch of snazzy lenses. After he asked me if I still took my horse and carriage to the office too, I lost my patience. I challenged him to a $100 bet I could take a better shot with my old TLR than he could with that fancy Nikon, but he wouldn't take the bet. Maybe he was just being a gentleman, but I like to think it was because one of my images was on his girlfriend's wall.</p>

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<p>This is a question I often get when I am shooting and there is another photographer nearby "Nice camera, but why didn't you go digital?" The whole thing asked like I am a time traveller from mid eighties and never heard about digital imaging. Maybe those guys go home and tell friends "Today I met a folk who was still taking wet pictures, he was not aware of the existence of digital cameras".</p>
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<p>i used to work in a photoshop on a resort island and the most comon question we used to get was "you only have prices for a 6X8 but i want to get an 8X6 print" im not kidding i used to get asked that at least once a day.<br>

whilst working at the same photoshop i had a lady in to do a viewing of a portrait sitting i had done for her and her family, she stopped me at one of the images and said "i love that photo of my family but do i have to have it like that with the sky up there and the ground down the bottom like that". to which i replied "no you can hang it upside down if you want", she then relpied "oh and it will be ok like that?"</p>

<p>i just have to shake my head at people sometime :)</p>

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<p>A customer came to our shop with an auto-everything Nikon P&S with the complaint that it must be broken since it didn't work.<br>

Me: Did you check the batteries?<br>

Her: This uses batteries?<br>

Me: Yup, this is the first model Nikon made after they stopped powering them with magic elves.<br>

Fortunately the customer was a good sport, and realized her question was dumb. </p>

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