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Remembering RJ


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<p>For those of us who live in Canada, Friday past saddened many of our hearts with the deaths of 3 soldiers from the First Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment. While we often see the DND file photos of the men and women who have paid the ultimate price while serving their country and their fellow man, it's rare to see our service personnel as somebody's father, somebody's spouse, somebody's son or somebody's friend. This past Friday my friend Warrant Officer Rob (RJ) Wilson was killed in the line of duty. RJ was a good person who in a quiet unassuming way helped others, inspired many and was a friend to all who knew him. Our world will be a lesser place without him. Today as my thoughts are directed to good memories and my prayers to his family and young children, I'd like to share a few photos of an ordinary Canadian who believed in making the world a better place... </p><div>00RjCw-95797784.jpg.a9754455682fac73230d17360ccc0b8a.jpg</div>
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<p>Duane, while the loss of a loved one is always hard, knowing that they gave their life doing what they wanted, did best, and even more importantly, helped their country, should be of some consolation to you. We all wish we could go that way. Just not so soon.</p>

<p>I am sure that wherever he is, he apreciates that you're commemorating him as a person, not as a number.</p>

<p>R.I.P. RJ.<br>


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As a fellow Canadian I feel your loss, perhaps not as personally but I feel it nonetheless. Your photos give him a depth that is often missing when we see these 'obits' in the news. Perhaps, one day you and others who have lost loved ones over in Afghanistan will get together and do up a decent tribute to these men & women in the form of pictures and print, if only to show that those who gave up their lives were more than just faces in uniforms, that they were real people,with real hopes and dreams, and with people who really cared for and loved them.


My condolences to the family and friends.



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<p>Duane, very sad to hear about this.  I lost a cousin in Iraq a couple of years ago and know that this holiday season will no doubt be very tough for his family & friends.  It can be difficult but I have always tried to remember that he (and other dedicated people like him) felt strongly about his purpose and was doing exactly what he wanted to do.  My thoughts are with you.</p>
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<p>Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers for RJ's children, family and friends. Having great memories and photographs of terrific moments will help all of Rob's family and friends in the days ahead. It has been both an honor and privilege to know RJ and call him my friend.</p>

<p> </p>

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