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Sometimes, we just need to laugh at ourselves.

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The hard part is to decide who your intended audience is for each of your pictures.



If it's just for yourself it's a form of masochism to put it up for comments.



(But I still put them up because I'm looking for kindred spirits. When I find those I hope they help me by pointing out the ways in which the picture can be nearer to my own preferences.)



Anyway, I loved the link. (Maybe that Henri guy should use longer lenses so you wouldn't even see the person in the foreground...)



(-: Matthijs.

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That was funny only because we understood what that meant. Art is a funny thing. It is time specific. When an artist is

ahead of his/her time no one will appreciate his/her work. Usually an artist is under appreciate during his/her life time. Art is

also subjected to marketing strategy. Many wonderful art pieces were ignored because of lack of marketing.


I can sympathize with some of the comments made. I don't agree with many of them but I can see where the comments

could be real.

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