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D3x - Dec. 19th. on sale


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The model is also up on Nikon Australia's website and therefore 'official' down under.


Most interesting to me (and touched on in a previous thread when this was all just a rumour) is the 100 to 1600 ISO range. Seems limited in some respects, compared the the ISOs available on D3 and D700. However I imagine the ISO 1600 performance is superb...


Can you imagine it with the new 50/1.4G? (Speaking of which has anyone got their hands on that new lens yet)?

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Seems like a rather tough time to come out with an $8,000 camera. Maybe the actual price will be lower early next year. As someone mentioned, hopefully it will push the price of the D700 down some, but seeing how these seem to be two different cameras aimed at two different markets I'm not hopeful.



Kent in SD

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Well, I just came from dpreview.com . It's official now, and with another classical error that plagued the release of the Canons: "Nikon has announced the D3x, its latest high-resolution professional DSLR. Sporting an imaging sensor with double the resolution of the popular D3. . . ."


Not to take away anything from the new Nikon, nor the tremendous 1-2-3 blows that Nikon has sent through the digital world since August, 2007, but doubling the pixel count does not double the resolution. to do that, the new camera would have had to have come out with forty-eight (48) mega-pixels. Still, this is welcome news for all of us, no matter what we are shooting these days, especially if we using our instruments to shoot landscapes and portraits.


Perhaps Phil Askey has corrected it by now.



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bernard, don't trust those internet rumors, that's how misinformation gets spread. according to nikon's specs from dpreview, " Default: ISO 200 - 6400 in 1/3, 1/2 or 1.0 EV steps

• Boost: 100 - 12800 in 1/3, 1/2 or 1.0 EV steps, HI2 = ISO 25600"


that's ISO 25,600, not 1600, max. better be good for 8 grand.

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Landrum, the image filesize is doubled with the new D3x vs the D3. Many would agree this doubles the resolution of a same-size output. You can argue math, but in the imaging industry, doubling the resolution means doubling the filesize.
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Ok i see what has happened... DP have apparently copied and pasted the specs from the D3 review and forgotten to change a few things. As of this moment they are also claiming 9 fps in FX and 9-11 fps in DX mode. Sound familiar?


I suspect this will be corrected shortly :-)


So I guess we go with ISO 6400...

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Rumours I have heard here were around EUR5500. US$8000 are near EUR6000. It must be in that range, thought. I

remember that the D700 price was reduced a 15% one month after the first batch arrived. The D3 currently is



"... one of the worst kept secrets in Nikon history." Certainly Nikon is especialist in this matter: last week I received

an invitation for an event, what they call "the release of a new product by Nikon" but today they still don`t want to

mention that it is the new D3X... At the same time, looks like the NikonPro magazine has included this new camera

(as a kind forum user mentioned days ago... we don`t received the issue yet). I still wonder if there are another -real-

surprise... (almost all people in earth know about the existence of the D3X since last summer, thought).


I understand that doubling the pixels you have double printed area with moreless the same image quality. Of course

it doesn`t mean "double resolution", don`t know if even "double printing size". I have

never known how to say what I call double enlargement (=4x printed area) or double sized (=2x printed area).

Resolution is a more complex parameter, with different theoretical and practical realities, thought... Am I missing


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"Landrum, the image filesize is doubled with the new D3x vs the D3. Many would agree this doubles the resolution of a same-size output. You can argue math, but in the imaging industry, doubling the resolution means doubling the filesize." --Dave Lee


Dave, with all due respect, I would rather trust the math. Resolution is measured in lines per mm (inch, whatever), and that directs one to a comparison of the linear variables of the perimeter (length or width), not the surface area, which is a square factor.


I would like to see someone who could intelligibly argue to the contrary, if you have their names.



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It is indeed not "double the resolution" if you measure horizontally... pixels per inch, that is...


It's right around 42% more. Splitting hairs.


Too much money. NIkon will probably sell boatloads of D3s to people who can't afford this and realize that the D3's 12MP

is probably all they needed anyway.


It's a real specialty camera, don't y'all think?

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