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Thanks Bob - for the info.


Maybe we can start a Forum just for her! See, Annie is not just a great photographer, she is an inspiration to the younger

generation. Miley certainly has the contacts to have some very interesting subjects to photograph. I hope she does well and

gets more people thinking about photography and photography education.



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Entertainers who are serious about photography? <a href="http://www.leonardnimoyphotography.com/" target="_blank"><b>Leonard Nimoy</b></a> comes to mind. And, <a href="http://www.brendanfraser.com/frame.htm?page=photo" target="_blank"><b>Brendan Fraser</b></a> seems to really groove on the analog B&W stuff. Fraser is sort of a big, male galoot version of Miley Cyrus - but he seems to have an eye. I imagine that anyone who's spent countless hours on sets, working with top-notch cinematographers (and the inevitable set photogs and promo work) has seen more professionals at work, equipment being carefully and creatively used, and results that take years to polish... than most classically trained photographers will in their first several years of hoping for that sort of exposure.


Oh, and don't forget the multi-talented <a href="http://www.arcanabooks.com/viggo_mortensen.htm" target="_blank"><b>Viggo Mortensen</b></a>, who seems to do just about everything. And of course, there's the venerable <a href="http://www.contactmusic.com/photos.nsf/main/lou_reed_01_wenn5029990" target="_blank"><b>Lou Reed</b></a>. Now, Miley Cirus isn't exactly Lou Reed, but maybe in another 50 years, and if she takes up chain smoking.

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Matt, thanks for the links. I know them all from their careers but just as Nick I have no clue who Miley Cyrus is but that's OK. The world may have become a small village but luckily it hasn't grown that small. Besides, we are inundated by American film, TV and music culture enough as it is.
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"Are all aspiring photographers to expect this derision on PN?"


It sometimes seems as though we should change the Casual Conversations and Philosophy forums to the Derision

forum. These forums seem naturally to bring out cynicism, sarcasm, and downright meanness. My own sense of it is

that most of us are not as good communicators as we'd like to think and perhaps not even as good thinkers as we'd

like to think, so it may be that we resort to nonsense rather than confronting our own shortcomings. It may also be

that we forget that when we don't have something useful to say, it's okay to say nothing. Which may be my own cue

to shut up!

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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Add actors Dennis Hopper and Brad Pitt, and musician Ben Folds to the list of celebs/entertainers who are also serious photographers. I seem to recall that the guitarist or drummer for Yeah Yeah Yeahs was determined to stick with color film for his snaps of the band on tour (that was a few years ago). There are many others, just can't remember 'em all offhand.
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Jeff Bridges was introduced to photography when he was in the cheesy King Kong movie. He is now a panoramic hobbyist photographer. (film). I hope Miley Cyrus does well. Her name should open doors for her in the photo world. Kind of a shocker when Joaquin Phoenix decided to give up acting for music..Maybe the acting business is not as wonderful as it seems.
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Brian Adams seems to have done well in photography in despite his decades-long singing and songwriting career.


I find the idea that to be a worthy photographer one must have a degree in photography or art simple foolish snobbery. Photography is not rocket science and I dare say just about anyone can be quite good at it with practice. If a person does not have an eye for it then no amount of education will suffice.


I find this snobbish mentality to be in line with attacking a young girl who knows her childhood music career has likely run its course and is looking for a new direction in her life. How proud you must be of yourselves.


Then again, despite her detractors on photo.net she just may take some of the many millions of dollars she has made and put a little toward that degree in photography so many of you prize. Then she'll still be rich and also sufficiently pedigreed to take pictures. Well, she might still be rich unless she decides to take pictures for a living.

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Some of you guys should chill on the sanctimonious stuff! Sixteen year-old teeny bopping pop and TV star gets her photos taken in the buff by Annie you know who and then all of a sudden wants to be photographer. You guys must not know a cynical marketing ploy when you see one. There are some good photographers out there (David Byrne, Jeff Bridges etc.) but not one who has given up their cash cow to make it a full time gig. Just like me, I won't give up my day job selling water main pipe, fire hydrants and valves to try and make my living in photography, it's too much fun the way it is.
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I seem to recall an episode of the Johnny Carson Show where Sting showed up with some photos he had made. One

that they showed on television was a darkroom-manipulated job of a full sized shadow appearing from underneath a door.


Some pro actors really have an interesting intellect. How could you memorize a bunch of Shakespeare and be a total



Maybe Miley Cyrus will do well. Do well or not, I have a strong feeling that there's going to be at least one really strong

extra-cheesy episode involved in the whole thing. A lot of these people, regardless of who they really are, seem to

continually project an image of chronic ignorance. I feel alienated from folks who don't seem to ever think or read a book

or take a class or explore something. I once saw a picture of James Dean sitting in his small apartment surrounded by

his books. I can't imagine most contemporary celebrities projecting a similar public image. Those people must live in a

separate reality.


If one of these celebs showed up on PN, I'd probably still embarrass myself daily and continue to mess up in the field, in

the darkroom, at the layout table, something. More power to 'em. I doubt it would matter. I'd still tell them to try Pentax

lenses and black and white film. J.

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