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Damaged 10-22 repair cost?


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Hi everybody!


A mate dropped his lens and needs to know what it is likely to cost to have a new 10-22 realigned?<br>When it hit

the deck the focus ring has been pushed under the 'rest ' of the lens body, know what i mean? <br>It wont twist

and the lens barrel isnt straight it is slightly bent at the join in the middle.<br>


Also how long will it take to repair?<br>


There doesnt appear to be any glass damage.<br>


Thank you

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A couple of years ago I had my 10-22mm lens on my tripod-mounted camera, taking a panorama shot. As I was

dismantling the setup, a gust of wind came up out of a canyon and flipped everything over. Luckily for me & my gear, the

RRS rail took the force of the blow and slipped, absorbing most of the impact. However, the lens barrel was tweaked by

pressure hitting the hood, and the lens flew apart into 3 pieces. I carefully scooped them up and sent them into Canon.

Amazingly, there was not one scratch anywhere on any part of the lens, outside or in. Canon in Riverside charged me less

than $100, including shipping, to put it all back together (including replacing some electronic parts) & return it to me. I'm still

using the lens and it works perfectly, good as new.

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