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new adorama store


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I understand the site lives also with sales and publicity, and I understand the new "adorama store" folder.

What I dislike very much is the publicity corner that appeared today. Most of the time when I want to click to my

workspace, I arrive on the publicity page. And also, sometimes this corner begins to open very widely, and i have

to wait that it closes for a long time to be able to work.

Please, change that! that is VERY annoying.

(more of it, i think this is for the US only, so no interest for all the members abroad).

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I tried it via Firefox 2.x and IE 6. No problems avoiding triggering the peel-back ad when clicking on the "My

Workspace" option.


When I did deliberately activate the peel-back ad it unfurled and reclosed fairly quickly, considering my

slowpoke old PC.


I did see a quirky rendering of the new Adorama tab in IE 6. Not the same as the quirk Dave illustrated, but a

sort of two-line tab, with the words "Adorama" and "Store" on two different lines. For some reason it cleared up

after I either refreshed the page or went to another page.


No bugs seen via Zorro de Fuego browser tho'.

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<blockquote>Most of the time when I want to click to my workspace, I arrive on the publicity page.</blockquote>


For our users with smaller screens or low screen resolution, I have asked Jin to add in a "sign in" and "my

workspace" link to the bottom row of links. you can also find a "my workspace" link under the "sharing" tab up at

the top of the screen.<div>00RUMU-88403684.jpg.d261ea949e4aee04d2de4bce35d7d90a.jpg</div>

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As I have said before, everything costs money.


It is important to remember that ads pay for this site. Without that income, there would be no programmers, no staff, no new features and no improvements. Photo.net went through a number of years where it had very little in the way of advertising revenue. You might remember those years, they were the ones where we had less than one full time programmer, nobody in my position answering email and fixing problems, and virtually nothing as far as site upgrades or new features. Subscription money alone can't make this site fly. There is a reason that just last spring moved off of the servers that were bought years and years ago.

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<blockquote>I saw this on Firefox 3.0.4. Notice the peel-back in the top middle of the page instead of the top right corner.</blockquote>


That looks like an incomplete page load somehow. Does it do that every time? I'm using 3.0.3 and not seeing that sort of thing. Is anyone NOT seeing it with 3.0.4?


Thanks for your help tracking down bugs everyone, I really appreciate it.

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I would like to correct my preceding post. Actually, it depends on which screen I am looking... On the main one I am working on, it is ok; on others, it is not...

So, I am coming back to my first reflection... We are on a photo site. We need advertising to make it unexpensive. Right.

So I agree with the ads. I agree with the adorama tab. I even can agree with the search (it is still possible to look for other options on the search).

But do we need this peel off corner?

How can we see photos correctly if our attention is always attracted by this moving corner? I would suggest a in-between solution: keep the peel off on all screens, except the ones displaying photos one by one...

What do you think?

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Jeff, I'll quote myself from a similar thread:




This problem has been noted by others, but appears to be limited to certain browsers, especially Firefox 3.x and later version of IE. I'm having no problems at all with Firefox 2.x and IE 6. Admin and programmers are aware of the problem and are working to resolve it.


Another factor appears to be monitor display resolution. Some photo.netters have observed problems with screen resolutions less than 1000 pixels wide. Again, no problems on my system, an old PIII with WinME and typical 768x1024 CRT resolution.


Optional ways to access the "My Workspace" and Sign In/Out" have been added to the bottom of every photo.net page and have long been accessible via other methods. (I typically use auto-login software, so my sign-in is via a toolbar utility.) And, as Matt points out, the Sharing tab offers an optional additional way to access the My Workspace page.


The site needs ads to thrive. All large web communities do - someone, somewhere, must pay for server space and maintenance. As a volunteer moderator I don't receive any direct remuneration. But as a longtime photo.net site member, I have enjoyed the benefits of site-wide improvements as a result of successful marketing and advertising. So have we all. Photo.net's ads are by far the least intrusive of any such similar hobbyist and professional site I visit. (Wanna see some intrusive ads? Visit the qrz.com site for ham radio enthusiasts, or most social networking sites like myspace.)

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to this, most of us agree, dear perpendicularity consultant.

Nevertheless, we are on this group to enjoy photos, where people like me, for example, are learning a lot. One of

the things we learn is how it is important how the sight is driven by certain points in a photography and should

not be distracted by unnecessary details.

the peeling stuff moving all the time distract the view, and is contrary with the elementary lessons of photography.

We don't say the ads are intrusive, we are saying this peeling corner IS.

So please, don't try to convince us that ads are necessary, we know it. Answer to this: how can we abstract us

with this corner?

By the way, your example of myspace is not so good: everybody left it to go to facebook where ads are less

intrusive... and facebook people made a big scandal when this one tried to put more...

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