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Using one of my images on a website


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I have been contacted by someone who wants to use one of my images on her website. I have never been ask this

before, does anyone have advice. Selling prints is one thing but using my picture on her website is another. I have

no idea where to start as far as questions, pricing etc. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Carol,

There are a few pricing guidelines in the Web to assist in pricing image rights for a variety of uses. One is here:




The nature of the site where the image will be used should be a factor in your pricing. If it's a big money

commercial site, you might ask more than if it's for the local soccer team site or a no-profit use.


Also, the location, size and prominence of your photo will be a factor. The uniqueness of your image should be a

factor too. Could she easily acquire a similar photo elsewhere?


Get the URL of the page she want to post it on if possible.


I suggest contacting the person and tell her you need details before you can make an agreement.

If she's not willing to make an agreement in writing, it might not be wise to let her use the image at all.

Make sure any agreements you make include the limits on size and location of the photo...and that payment-in-full

grants the rights!

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Very often a Web designer is creating a site for a very substantial fee. Then, they try to get use of photos at

no charge.


Sometimes designers use photos without permission, see my Hall of Shame #5 entry:




I recommend a $100.00 min charge and higher if the image will be on the main page or all pages and higher still

if the photo will be large.


Credits and links don't pay the bills.

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It's a fine balance between charging the right price,... and pricing yourself out of the sale. I wish someone else would chime in here.


Seth Resnick's guidelines here :




are probably more than this person will pay as they are based on what a corporation might pay.


Is the desired photo one you have published here on photo.net?


Resolution is irrelevant, is it not? If the image will be presented at 800x600, let the designer deal with resolution.

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Just an update on this subject, the web designer did not want to pay for the photo, my quote was within the guildlines of the link you sent. Because I was not a professional I guess she expected it for nothing. I am also previewing the website to make sure that the picture is not being used with out my permission. Thanks again for the help.
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