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model release forms for state of Illinois?


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<a href="http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/chicago/peopleevents/p_capital.html"><I>"Chicago was an ideal place for confidence men, with railways bringing new victims to town -- greedy "marks" who were probably looking for an easy profit. At the turn of the 20th century, Chicago was home to more than one "wire store," an operation that convinced a mark that he could place a sure bet on a race by delaying the results on the Western Union wire."</i></a><BR><BR>flashback 1 century:)<BR><BR> @FIN
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Yea I know John,


But sometimes jokes don't come across very well in forums because you can't see facial expressions and all that. I'm not

saying stop posting jokes because a bit of humour is always good ~ just offering an explanation why some people might

not take all the jokes as they were intended. I for one thought your post was pretty darn funny. FWIW I was on a shoot with

CPD Narcotics not too long ago and they actually gave me a t-shirt, free of charge. Maybe they're trying to mend their old


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