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Change my business name?


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I have been in business for a little over a year. I have a business name that is general. "A Perfect Shot Photography"

I have been taking it very slow as I am still taking Classes and finding my niche. Now my problem, my business

starts with an 'A' and quite a few clients always call because they can not find my website. They always leave

the 'A' out. After going to a few seminars I feel I should get more personalized thus came up with "PerfectShots by

Gloria" What do you think? It will change slowly over the next year but I feel clients will connect with me more. Or

do you think it is neccessary. Any ideas are welcomed.

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What ever you do, keep the old domain for awhile so people can still find you. It is a little odd to have an A at the beginning. I was just looking and the same domain without the A is taken. Do you own it? If so, I'd just use both. It's pretty common for businesses to have multiple domain names. I'm not in your line of business so I can't really comment on your new name idea.
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If the domain name is the main problem, why don't you just purchase another domain name WITHOUT the "A"

(www.perfectshotphotography.com) if it is available, and then point it to your main site? That way, you don't have to

change anything at all.


For example, my studio name is "the Stuicase Studio." I was afraid that people might leave out the "the" in the

name, so while my main website is: www.theSuitcaseStudio.com, I also purchased the domain name:

www.SuitcaseStudio.com, and have it pointing at my main site, just in case.

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