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Eos 1v, versus elan 7ne


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I have been reading all the comparisons of these 2 cameras on this forum. I have a 1ds mk 2 and a eos 40d. I have

all the bases covered for when i need certain responses , for example, low light auto focus , weather sealing,etc. Im

looking to purchase a 7ne because i'd like to do some film work. My question is simple, under simple controlled

conditions is there really any significant difference in image quality. Thats all i want to know. Unless there is some

drastic image quality difference im gonna stick with the 7ne. I have a bunch of "L" lenses to go with the camera.

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I have both. The both produce excellent images. Unlike digital cameras where each camera has a different sensor, two film cameras, assuming they both focus and meter accurately, and have the same film, will produce identical images. Ultimately, a film SLR is just a light tight box. The extra features can make things much more user friendly; the 1v definitely handles better. Otherwise, they will have identical image quality.
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I totally agree. I also own both cameras and for the price nowadays I'd go for the 1v. IQ would be the same but once you hold both

cameras in your hands you'll notice where the extra money is allocated. Beside the extra features, which I love, the elan looks like a toy

compared to the 1v, especially with the PBE2 attached. I keep the elan for traveling light though but rarely use it since I moved to digital 1

year ago

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"It's all about the film, lens, and then the processing afterwards (processing/scanning/printing) for image quality with film."


If only it were so simple. Perhaps if you shoot still life or landscapes you won't notice any diff except for the excellent

handling and huge bright VF of the 1V. However, if you shoot under dim light or fast action sports it will be a night and day

diff: 1V AF is about 10 times better. Basically the Elan 7 will choke while the 1V nails it. Maybe 10 sharp AI servo images

from the 1V vs 1 or 2 from the Elan. Also, the 1V is weather sealed so in a downpour the Elan may fail while the 1V keeps


Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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I also have both. As many others have stated, image quality is identical. It's about the features.


The 1v is bigger heavier and I find the controls a bit less convenient and less intuitive. But this one is very rugged/durable and inspires a high level of confidence in harsh shooting settings.


The 7ne is smaller, lighter, easier controls that are more similar to the controls on the digital bodies.


It should really just be a matter of preference. But I would guess the 1 has a longer shutter life cycle than the 7 as well.

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Under simple, controlled conditions there will be little or no difference. I say "little or no" rather than "no" because durability is an issue. I would trust an old 1V more than a comparable 7 because it is really, really built to last with exceptional attention to quality. So maybe there are minor differences, but far less that differences introduced by user variances.


For fast shooting under challenging conditions the 1V may be the best 35mm film body ever produced.

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The Elan 7n is much lighter, smaller and quieter. 1V has very accurate focus, and a great finder, but it's big and loud.

Canon used to offer a CD with additional custom functions for 1V, one of these CFs allowed to quiet down the shutter and

film advance, but this CD is no longer available. I bought a 7n to replace my 1V and it's now my main Canon film body,

however I decided not to sell the 1V because I do not believe that the Elan is built to last. Considering the price difference,

it almost makes sense to keep both. I got mine used for $150.

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I used to have a 7e and a 1V, now I only have the 1V. There is no comparisson between the two


1) 45 point AF v 7 point

2) Weather proofing

3) 1/8000 max shutter speed

4) CF available on the 1V

5) With the software and cable, you can see various shooting variables on the 1V, similar to digital

6) Lighted LCD display on the 1V

7) I think I recall that the 1V provides an extra metering mode

8) 1V has a faster FPS

9) The 1V is better to shoot IR film with

10) The 1V is noticably louder, that way everyone around you knows that you are shooting with the best 35mm film camera ever made :)


I could probably go on...

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Everything Gregory said! You're more likely to capture more keepers with the 1v since it utilizes 7 cross sensors compared to the 1 in the Elan, not to mention the seemingly infinite number of ways you can configure the 45 focus points. We used an Elan 7 for quite some time along with my 1v and our DSLRs, and I've always preferred the output from the 1v over the Elan (and frequently over that from my DSLRs too!). Film output from both is certainly similar but the metering and focusing algorithms in the 1v are different from those in the Elan as are the focusing algorithms, all of which results in improved image quality over all of the other Canon film bodies except for maybe the EOS 3.
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Remember that the Elan 7NE is FOUR YEARS newer than the 1V...


I think the main question is what you intend to shoot with the film body. If you're going for tripod mounted landscapes, I doubt you'll notice any difference, if you're shooting sports, kids and critters, you're probably better off with the 1V.


As for durability, with current second hand prices, you can get over four 7NE's for the price of a single 1V.

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I bought an EOS 3 used from keh.com . I am quite happy with it. Almost as good as EOS 1V and better than EOS Elan 7E.


eos 1v, 3 have spot metering. Main reason why I bought was to have autofocus with my 400 f5.6 lens stacked with 1.4 extender ( effective aperture f/8 ) . Elan 7e autofocus doesnt work with aperture of f/8 or slower.


central focussing sensor will work in eos 3 , eos 1v with lens with aperture of f/8.


check the manuals online and you can see the difference between eos 3, eos 1v and eos 30. got my eos 3 in like new condition for close to 500 $ from keh

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Keep in mind what Puppy Face said, as well as Sanjay, above: Eos-1V has much better metering and autofocus than the Elan, and the Elan is much quieter than the Eos series. The Eos-3 may be a good compromise; better in focusing than the Elan, cheaper than the Eos-1v. It is my favorite film camera. It is a shame that I don't shoot it more. Scanning film is such a pain once you get used to digital capture.
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